Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rise Up and Raise Hell!!

Strategic Collapse at the Army War College

January 14, 2009 - by Patrick Poole

Two weeks ago, Ricks reported on a new publication by Army War College research professor Sherifa Zuhur on Hamas and Israel that informs readers that Hamas has been misunderstood due to the misreporting by “Israeli and Western sources that villainize the group.” Zuhur concludes that Hamas isn’t so bad after all, so we all just need to get along and embrace the terrorist group through negotiations — a view apparently endorsed by the Army War College when it published her defense of Hamas.

A second post last week, “Fiasco at the Army War College: The Sequel,” records an exchange between Ricks and defense expert and author Mark Perry. Assessing the academic state of affairs at the War College, Perry informed Ricks:

It’s worse than you think. They have curtailed the curriculum so that their students are not exposed to radical Islam. Akin to denying students access to Marx during the Cold War.

Idiotic treason! Why do we have Muslims deciding the curriculum at our war college? Why are our future military officers being shielded from knowledge of Islam's doctrines & practices? This nation is being run to ruin by analencephalopaths who should be removed from office or hung for treason.

Rise up and raise Hell! Click the title link above, read the entire article, and let your Representative and Senators know that you want that situation changed as quickly as possible. After reading the article, click this link:, and enter your zip code. Then click the Federal Officials link. A form will appear, select the necessary options and compose an email directing your public servants to read Patrick Poole's article. If you copy and paste the following into the email, they will have a link to the article:

Strategic Collapse at the Army War College.

Did the founding fathers sacrifice their lives and fortunes; did the GIs who fought in two world wars give their blood and lives only to have their successors hand over our liberty without a fight? Let us do all we can to prevent that outcome! Don't delay, do it today!I am not a hypocrite; I sent my emails before completing the composition of this post.

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