Monday, January 12, 2009

Supporting Israel One Post At A Time


Pro-terrorist groups in the USA are especially perfect examples of mental illness. Last Saturday we provided a platform for some Pro-Freedom and Pro-Israel individuals to report live from the pro-terrorist rally in LA. The "protesters" were claiming to be Pro-Palestinian but Palestine doesn't exist. Curious that is.

Our original post is here but, since that day, there are more which have the full details of the event. Political Pistachio has two posts up which can be found here and here. Political Vindication has their post complete with pictures of the hate-filled pro-terrorists. Simply amazing.

As we listened live to the event on Saturday, there were many references to the commie-pinko flag displays and the many Che Guacamole supporters. Does anyone find that particularly odd?

Just a few moments ago, I received an email with a link to a protest someplace in Europe documented on You Tube and there are plenty of terrorist supporters and folks displaying that commie-pinko flag as well. I am amazed that the mental illness is not just in the USA. The terrorists have a long standing relationship with communist lovers so it is no wonder that they hate America and Israel so much.

Eric from Black Tygrrrr Express can be viewed here, here, here and here.

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