Monday, January 26, 2009

Tell MMS to Get Into Gear!

As soon as I read this email from CEA, I visited their web site and sent the email. I urge you to take the same action. The Bureaucrats need to hear from us, now and loudly. It is 40 years too damn late for sensible action, and we can't wait any longer! Please do your part to make it happen.

Consumer Energy Alliance
Call to Action!

Take action to support access to our offshore oil & gas resources!

The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) is currently accepting public comments through March 23, 2009 regarding the Draft Proposed OCS Oil & Gas Leasing Program for 2010-2015 (DPP).

The DPP outlines the MMS plan to conduct 31 offshore oil and natural gas lease sales in 12 different planning areas around the country - including the North Atlantic, Middle Atlantic (which includes VA and NC), South Atlantic (which includes SC and GA) and Pacific (which includes CA). It is important that we allow for the responsible development of our domestic oil and natural gas resources to ensure our energy & economic security, diversify supply, create jobs and create federal, state and local revenue.


Let MMS and the federal government know that you support reasonable access to America’s offshore energy resources.


The MMS must hear from you.

Visit the Call to Action page of our website and send a comment!

It will only take a few seconds.

Click here!

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