Saturday, January 24, 2009

Waky Paki Policy

NTI's Global Security News Wire reported on a presentation by three members of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism to the House Armed Services Cmte.

The article includes a link to the Commission's Dec. '08 report, a 161 page .pdf file. The following quote is from the Executive Summary, occurring on
page xxiii of the report [pg. 24 of the .pdf]. [The main Pakistan section runs from pg. 94-104 of the .pdf and includes more recommendations.]
RECOMMENDATION 6: The next President and Congress
should implement a comprehensive policy toward Pakistan that
works with Pakistan and other countries to (1) eliminate terrorist
safe havens through military, economic, and diplomatic
means; (2) secure nuclear and biological materials in Pakistan;
(3) counter and defeat extremist ideology; and (4) constrain a
nascent nuclear arms race in Asia.
  1. Military action is the only possibility because Islam is doctrine driven; Jihad is not a function of economics or diplomacy, it is mandated by Islamic law.
  2. The perfect impossibility. The ISI is heavily infiltrated by Mujahideen. The country is more than 80% Muslim.
  3. There is no extremist ideology, there is only Islam. Countering Islamic doctrine is difficult and untried. Any attempt to do so will increase violence in the short term and would likely result in overthrow of the regime by Mujahideen. Certainly the regime will not participate in and will vigorously oppose such a campaign.
  4. No hope in Hell; that genie is out of the bottle already.

U.S. policy should "focus on building the institutions that will stabilize the country and begin to drain off some of the enmity that is currently being evinced toward the U.S. and Western culture, generally," Graham said.

That means emphasizing "soft power," including diplomacy, culture and education, according to Graham and Talent.

No institution can stabilize Pakistan. Neither can enmity toward the West be drained off. It is first necessary to remove Islam from the equation by inducing mass apostasy among the citizens of Pakistan. See pt.3 above.

Muslims do not want our culture or education; they hate us, our culture and our education. Islam is their Deen and they don't want anything else.

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