Sunday, January 4, 2009

War News That Drives Leftinistra More Moonbattier Than Usual


The following is data the American Public is not to know under any circumstances

2-320th FAR & ISF Give to Iraqi School Children
BIZNA, Iraq – “Redlegs” from the 2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment continued to focus on improving the lives of local Iraqis when they visited students from 17 Bizna on their last day of school on May 25, 2008.

During their visit to the local school, the artilleryman from the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), and the Iraqi security forces from Ad Dujayl, spent over six hours handing out numerous supplies to students in the small and remote village south of Balad.

“This visit was our last opportunity to supply the children in 17 Bizna with supplies before the summer break. Hopefully with what we gave them, the supplies will give the kids an added edge in the classroom next year,” said 1st Lt. William R. Hale, a platoon leader with Alpha Battery, 2-320th FAR.

Hale said it was important to do these types of civil military operations in conjunction with the ISF because it shows the local populace that the coalition forces and Iraqi security forces are working together to help build a better Iraq.

“This was just an all around great experience for everyone involved. Doing this type of operation helps the U.S. and Iraqis build lasting friendships with the local population, and that’s one of the reasons we do this type of thing,” said Hale. [...] read the
Iraqis Hold Grand Re-opening of Sarafiyah Bridge - Rusafa-Karhk Roadway Bridge Opens After Reconstruction
By Sgt. Jerome Bishop
Multi-National Division - Baghdad

BAGHDAD, Iraq – The promise of a prosperous future for Iraq took one more step closer to becoming a reality as the Sarafiyah bridge linking the Rusafa and Karkh Districts of Baghdad was reopened, May 27, after being rebuilt.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was present for the opening event, which featured live music, several speeches and a ribbon cutting on the bridge's road way.

The significance of the event wasn't limited only to the result of the bridges opening, but also in how it came to be as it was the government of Iraq, who took the initiative to conduct the reconstruction.

"The reason I think this event was significant today is because it really shows the resilience of the GoI and their ability to repair this bridge, which was destroyed by an insurgent act, and to repair it and continue on with the rebuilding of Iraq and the betterment of Iraq," said Maj. Frank Garcia, a Carson City, Nev., native, who serves as the public affairs officer for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, which operates primarily out of the area where the bridge is located. [...] photos
The First Leg: Bastogne Brigade Sets Conditions for Success in Salah Ad Din
By Spc. Rick Rzepka
1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

SALAH AD DIN, Iraq – Since arriving in Iraq in September, 2007, Soldiers from the Bastogne Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, have been tasked to set the table for Iraqi success in the Salah ad Din province.

The Bastogne Brigade, which is on its third deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, conducts combined counter-insurgency operations daily, to secure the population of the Salah ad Din province. The Brigade is committed to allowing Iraqi security forces and the provincial government here to independently provide security and essential services to the people of the region.

Salah ad Din, which is roughly the size of Vermont, is home to the four key cities of Samarra, Bayji, Tikrit and Balad. It is a geographically diverse area of Iraq that ranges from fertile farmlands to sprawling desert. From the mud huts of Mushlaka to the Mineret of Samarra, Bastogne Soldiers have built a foundation of trust and cooperation with Iraqis here over the last eight months.

“If you had told me when we got here that we would be where we are today, I wouldn’t have believed you,” said Maj. William Rice, Bastogne civil affairs officer. [...] photos
Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers Conduct Operations to Increase Safety in Baghdad
Multi-National Division – Baghdad Public Affairs Office

BAGHDAD – Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers seized weapons throughout Baghdad May 28 as they conducted operations to secure the area.

MND-B Soldiers serving with the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division seized a 155 mm projectile round with a detonation cord attached, a 120 mm mortar round, and a bag of TNT northwest of Baghdad at approximately 11:28 a.m.

Later, Soldiers from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division seized a six-inch EFP starter kit, two pounds of C4 explosives, a 120 mm mortar round, and a 155 mm artillery round in the West Rashid district of Baghdad.

Soldiers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), seized two 4-foot tubes and two 2-foot tubes with white powder, a mortar base, and three pressure plates in the Mansour district of Baghdad at approximately 1:15 p.m.
“Taking weapons and munitions off the streets of Baghdad and the surrounding areas saves lives,” said Lt. Col. Steve Stover, spokesman, MND-B and the 4th Infantry Division. “It’s a powerful message of how much we care about the welfare of the Iraqi people.” [END]
Rakkasans Find Large Homemade Explosive Cache
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (AASLT)

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – A tip led Rakkasan soldiers to approximately 900 pounds of homemade explosives north of Patrol Base Shanghai, about 22 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, May 26.

Company B, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) uncovered a cache consisting of 18 50-pound bags of homemade explosive.

The cache was detonated on site by explosive ordnance disposal personnel. [END]
IA, Rakkasans Uncover Caches in Mahmudiyah
By 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq - Iraqi and Rakkasan Soldiers located a cache that included Russian weapons in the Hay al Salam area of Mahmudiyah, about 26 kilometers south of Baghdad, May 28.

A local resident informed the Soldiers of a PKC cache on the roof of one of the buildings in the Qaqa Apartments. The cache contained a PKC machine gun, two Simonov rifles, one bolt-action rifle, two AK-47 magazines, one mortar site and improvised explosive device making materials.

Soldiers from 2nd Company, 2nd Battalion, 25th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division and 3rd Platoon, Battery A, 3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, were conducting clearing operations when they found the weapons.

The IA also found several Kalashnikov-series rifles and a large bag of copper wire in area houses.

The weapons were taken to the IA compound in Mahmudiyah. [END]
Rakkasans Find Large Homemade Explosive Cache
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (AASLT)

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – A tip led Rakkasan soldiers to approximately 900 pounds of homemade explosives north of Patrol Base Shanghai, about 22 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, May 26.

Company B, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) uncovered a cache consisting of 18 50-pound bags of homemade explosive.

The cache was detonated on site by explosive ordnance disposal personnel. [END]
Water Purification Creates Endless Water Supply
By Pvt. Christopher McKenna
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

PATROL BASE CORREGIDOR, Iraq - Soldiers at this outpost, about 21 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, don't depend on water deliveries - they pump their own.

"We pump our water in from a man-made lake located in the rear of our patrol base and filter it," said Spc. J.R. Pardo, water purification specialist with Company A, 626th Brigade Support Battalion.

Deployed Soldiers usually have access to two different types of water - potable and non-potable. The difference between the two is that potable water is safe for drinking, bathing and cooking, whereas non-potable water can be used for other purposes, depending on its quality.

The water is pumped through a Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit. By going though a rigorous chemical balancing and four filtering pumps, the water is prepared and ready to be used.

The process allows Soldiers to produce and use water without fear of depleting their supply. Pardo said nearly 3,000 gallons are saved per day by using ROWPU. [...]
Iraqi Army Aids Shula Residents
By Sgt. Paul Monroe
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

BAGHDAD – Leaders and Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 22nd Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division distributed humanitarian aid to residents in Shula, a neighborhood in northwest Baghdad, May 26.

Soldiers travelled door-to-door handing out staples such as rice, lentils and tomato paste to 100 residents.

At the end, nearly 300 residents throughout Shula received aid during a three-day period beginning, May 24.

Shula resident’s movement to and from markets had been hampered by criminal activity in the area, making Soldiers clad in desert uniforms bearing boxes filled with food a welcome sight.

Capt. Joseph Sincere, a fire support officer with the 1st Squadron, 75th Calvary Regiment part of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division said, the Soldiers efforts had yielded an optimistic outlook for security going forward.

Some of the same streets used as drop points for humanitarian aid had been the site of recent Iraqi army clearance missions, where Soldiers travelled from house to house, searching and gathering intelligence in an effort to root out criminals taking refuge in the area. [...] photo
Service Members Compete in Iron Chef Competition
By Combined Joint Task Force - 101

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - “There is no love truer than the love of food,” said Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw. That love of food, both preparing and serving, coupled with a dose of friendly competition led to the first-ever Iron Chef competition at Bagram Airfield, May 28.

The competition, held at the Aviation Dining Facility, was based on the popular ‘Iron Chef’ television series. It pitted two teams of food service specialists, one representing Task Force Destiny and the other representing Task Force Lifeliner, against each other to see which team could woo a panel of judges senses of sight and taste with their culinary delights.

The showdown started shortly after the afternoon meal was concluded. The two teams were called into the back room of the dining facility, where they faced off as they were given the rules to the competition. Then the moment they anxiously awaited arrived, the unveiling of the “secret ingredient”. The cover was lifted to reveal bell peppers, in vivid red, yellow and green. [...] photos
Food Drop Assists Families in Need
By Pvt. Christopher McKenna
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

PATROL BASE CORREGIDOR, Iraq – Iraqi families in need received nearly three tons of food from U.S. Soldiers southwest of Baghdad, May 27-28.

A civil affairs team and 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment Soldiers teamed up to bring the food and other supplies to residents of three villages near Patrol Base Corriegidor.

“We took food to the people of Abu Amer, Abu Haswa and Shakariyah, having the sheikhs determine who would receive it,” said 1st Lt. Daniel Hodgson, fire support officer for Troop B, 1-33rd Cav. Regt. “We made sure the sheikhs chose the families most in need, such as widows who are unable to support a family without their husbands.”

The supplies included rice, beans, flour, sugar, salt, soap, tomato paste, bowls and utensils, diapers and infant weaning cereal.

“The planning for the (distribution) began, April 30,” said Staff Sgt. Rob Bridgeford, Company A, 411th CA Battalion team chief. “We had to make sure the food was divided appropriately throughout the needy families; the amount given is able to feed a family of up to 10 for about a month.”

This was the first humanitarian aid food donation in the area since the CA Soldiers arrived. [...]
Iraqi, U.S. Soldiers Detain Multiple Criminal Suspects, Discover Large Cache
By the Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO

BAGHDAD – Multi National Division – Baghdad Soldiers detained six suspected criminals in different areas of the Iraqi capital while conducting ongoing operations May 31.

At approximately 1 p.m., Soldiers from 2nd Battalion 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division detained a man in West Rashid who is suspected of being associated with several criminal groups. The suspected criminal is an alleged weapons smuggler, facilitator and improvised explosive device maker.

Iraqi Soldiers from the 6th Iraqi Army, with support from Soldiers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division arrested two men suspected for their criminal activity in the Al-Mansour district at approximately 1:20 p.m.

At approximately 1:30 p.m., Soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division detained two alleged al-Qaida in Iraq members northwest of Baghdad.

Another suspect was detained in the Adamiyah district by Soldiers from the 108th Military Police Company, 18th MP Bde. May 31. The suspected criminal is alleged to be involved in an explosively formed penetrator attacks on coalition forces. [...]
Preventative IED Training to Save Lives
By Staff Sgt. Mary Rose Mittlesteadt
11th Public Affairs Detachment

TIKRIT, Iraq – Improvised explosive devices are the number-one killer of coalition forces deployed to Iraq. Tougher and larger vehicles are one way of protecting Soldiers on the roads of Iraq, but another is preventative training.

Sailors with Task Force Troy North who specialized in counter IED measures, spend many days at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, located in Tikrit, Iraq, teaching Soldiers what to look for and how to react on the battlefield.

“We are training units to raise their level of awareness, give them an idea of what devices look like up-close, and give them ideas of what indicators they might see,” said U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Russell Juhl. “We get their eyes trained-in to focus when they go outside the wire to be thinking IEDs here, IEDS there, that could be a timing marker that could be an indicator.” [...] photos
Rakkasans Help Mothers Meet Children’s Needs
By Sgt. 1st Class Kerensa Hardy
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airbourne Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – More than 100 Iraqi families showed up to receive diapers, formula and cereal at the Radwaniyah Palace Complex Civil Military Operations Center, about seven kilometers southwest of Baghdad, May 31.

Rakkasan soldiers handed out two packages of disposable diapers, two cans of powdered formula and two cans of cereal mix for each child 3 years and younger. More than 180 children were assisted during the distribution.

The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, began an initiative to reach out to and meet the needs of Iraqi women in February. A series of meetings with professional Iraqi women and visits to women from different areas in the Mahmudiyah Qada revealed their dreams, hopes, needs and future goals. [...] photos
MND-B Soldiers Seize Weapons Caches in Baghdad
By Multi-National Division – Baghdad

BAGHDAD – Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers seized weapons as they continued conducting operations to increase security, June 1-2.

A local citizen turned in munitions to Soldiers with the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division at a combat outpost northwest of Baghdad at approximately 9 p.m., June 1.

The items included a homemade rocket, a homemade launcher, two 120 mm rounds, an anti-aircraft gun and 80 .50 cal. rounds.

MND-B Soldiers serving with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division seized weapons in northwestern Baghdad at approximately 8:30 a.m., June 2. The weapons consisted of two rocket warheads, blasting caps, twelve AK47 magazines and various improvised explosive device making materials.

At approximately 11:15 a.m., June 2, a Soldier serving with 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division found an explosively formed penetrator in the Adhamiya District of Baghdad. [END]
IA, MND-B Soldiers Find Multiple Weapons Caches
By Multi-National Division – Baghdad

BAGHDAD – Iraqi army and Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers seized numerous weapons in Baghdad, June 3.

At approximately 9 a.m. in the Karkh security district, IA Soldiers from 22nd Brigade, 6th IA Division, seized two rocket components, two rocket propelled grenades, two MP-5 magazines and an armored vest.

Soldiers from 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, discovered six 60mm high explosive mortar rounds, two 82mm mortar rounds, three RPGs, seven mortar tail booms and a grenade at approximately 11 a.m. in the Sadr City District of Baghdad.

The IA Soldiers from 44th Brigade, 11th IA Division found an improvised explosive device, two rocket warheads, 12 RPGs, an RPG launcher; approximately 4,000, 7.62mm rounds; 14 boxes of various ammunition, a PKC and a AK-47, a rocket motor, three radios, five RPG motors, four blasting caps, five flak vests and three pounds of explosives at approximately 12:30 p.m. in the Baladiat area of New Baghdad. [...]
MND-B Soldiers Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
By Spc. Aaron Rosencrans
Multi-National Divison - Baghdad

CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq - Music and dancing filled the courtyard at the Strike Dining Facility on Camp Liberty, May 30, during the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month celebration where Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers learned about the many cultures of Asian Pacific Americans.

Soldiers from Camp Taji traveled to perform choreographed group and solo dances to help MND-B Soldiers have a better understanding of the Asian Pacific customs and cultures; the Soldiers also had the opportunity to sample traditional meals.

The event was to not only entertain Soldiers during the lunch hour, but to educate them about the different customs and traditions in the many Asian Pacific cultures.

“Events like these heighten the awareness of other cultures,” said Master Sgt. Sarah Blackmon, a native of Maysville, N.C., who serves as the MND-B equal opportunity deputy and non-commissioned officer-in-charge with the 4th Infantry Division and MND-B.

“Because we are a diverse Army, we need to learn about other cultures to have a better understanding of our brothers and sisters who fight with us.” [...] photos
Battlefield Promotions for “Bastogne” Artillerymen
By 1st Lt. Jonathan J. Springer
2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment Public Affairs Office

LOGISTICAL SUPPORT AREA ANACONDA, Iraq – Seven Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, were some of the first artillerymen in the Army to receive battlefield promotions on June 1 at Logistical Support Area Anaconda, Iraq.

The “Redlegs”, who fall under the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), received the battlefield promotions under a new program that allows enlisted Soldiers to be promoted based on extraordinary performance during combat.

“The battlefield promotion program is designed to accelerate those Soldiers that willingly and unhesitatingly accept and flawlessly perform at levels of increased responsibility in the combat environment,” said Command Sgt. Major Edward E. Estep, battalion sergeant major for the 2-320th.

The battlefield promotions are a one-year pilot program that was quietly introduced in military personnel (MILPER) message 08-094 dated April 1. It's set to expire April 9, 2009. [...] photos
ISF, Rakkasans Recover Two Caches in Mahmudiyah Area
By 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – A tip from an informant led Iraqi security forces and Rakkasan Soldiers to two separate weapons caches southwest of Baghdad, June 3.

The informant told Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 25th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, and 3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery, the first cache was originally found in the side of a canal. The informant moved the munitions to a secure location until IA and coalition forces arrived.

The cache, found near Mohammad Fahad, 22 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, included three SPG-9 Russian rockets, 12 57 mm anti-aircraft rounds and 28 60 mm mortar rounds.

The munitions were taken back to the Lutifiyah IA Compound for disposal at a later date.

The second cache was discovered by Mahmudiyah Iraqi police and the 65th Military Police Company near Muadefeen, about 26 kilometers southwest of Baghdad. That cache included six 60 mm mortars identified by explosive ordnance disposal personnel as Iranian in origin, 32 rocket propelled grenade rounds, five RPG motors and various other mortar components.

The cache was taken to the Mahmudiyah IA Compound.

Rakkasans from 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, recently began riverine operations along the Euphrates River. Gaining access to caches similar to these buried in the river bed is one of their goals. [END]
Iraqi Soldiers Continue Seizing Caches in Sadr City
By the Multi-National Division – North Public Affairs Office

TIKRIT, Iraq – Iraqi army soldiers with the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, uncovered several weapons caches in Sadr City, Baghdad, June 7.

The soldiers seized a weapons cache at approximately 5:30 a.m. consisting of an explosively formed projectile, a 155 mm artillery round, an improvised-explosive device, explosive wire, two anti-tank rockets and an anti-aircraft rocket.

At approximately 5:45 a.m., soldiers in the same unit discovered two more caches, the first of which consisted of two 60 mm mortar rounds, three machine guns, four Russian sniper rifles, five AK-47 magazines and 200 AK-47 rounds.

The second cache consisted of a rocket propelled grenade, five grenades, an RPG-7 round, three SPG-9 anti-tank rockets, a 20 mm round, three fuses made up of explosive wire, a radio and an IED with a 155 mm mortar round.

Another cache found at approximately 9 a.m. included two IEDs, two RPGs, four propellant RPGs, two anti-tank mines, an anti-personnel mine, wire and a block of C-4. [...]
Rakkasans Coordinate Veterinarian Visit in Owesat
By Pvt. Christopher McKenna
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Public Affairs Office

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – The Rakkasans organized a veterinary clinic at the Nasiriyah school in Owesat, May 31.

“Owesat is a farming community and the animals and husbandry is a key aspect of their lives,” said 1st Lt. Edward Janis, Company A, 3rd Battalion, 187 Infantry Regiment. “Currently, they don’t have any medicine for the animals so we funded a project to sponsor a local animal doctor who has some training in the field.”

The Soldiers of 3-187 Inf. Regt., 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), coordinated for Iraqi veterinarian Mohammed Helim to vaccinate livestock in the community, approximately 26 kilometers southwest of Baghdad. Helim is responsible for tending to the livestock of four tribes in the area. [...]
Photo Gallery
Questioning of a Detainee
Asian Pacific Americans Honored During Celebration
The ‘East’ Themed in BAF Ceremony
Weapon Cache Search in Albu Issa
Janabi Village Handout


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