Sunday, January 4, 2009

War News: Voices From The War


The following information is that which you will never read about in the alleged main stream media now reclassified as the Lame Stream Media. Supporting the Troops and telling their stories is anathema to those that loathe our military as well as to those that pretend to support the Troops. I once wore the Uniform and I did swear the Oath. To hell with the pretend and self-appointed intellectuals. These are what the Troops have accomplished in spite of the moronic left.

Iraqi Army Led to Cache in Shakariya
By 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – A local citizen led Soldiers from 2nd Company, 4th Battalion, 25th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division to a cache in Shakariya, about 24 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, May 11.

The cache contained 50 rocket fuses, two cans of 14.75 mm loose ammunition, one anti-tank grenade, one bag each of 5.56 mm and 14.75 mm ammunition, three pressure plates, one 2.2-pound bag of homemade explosives and various trigger components.

The items will be transported to the IA headquarters in Yusifiyah for disposal. [END]
1-35th Takes the Reins From 2-69th
By Pvt. Christopher McKenna
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq - Two companies from two different battalions traded places during a ceremony at Patrol Base Lion's Den, about 15 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, May 10.

The Soldiers of Company B, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment will soon head back to Fort Benning, Ga., after a 15-month deployment as Co. B, 1st Battalion, 35th Armor Regiment fills in their place.

Company B, 2-69th Armor Regt., part of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, was attached to 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), during their deployment. [...] read the
SoI, IA Unearth Cache After Tip, Rakkasans Assist
By 3rd Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – Sons of Iraq members and 3rd Battalion, 22nd Brigade, 11th Iraqi Army Division soldiers, discovered a cache of weapons and ammunition near Say Fahal village, approximately 20 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, May 12.

Soldiers from 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, assisted in the recovery.

Acting on information of munitions and weapons in the area, the Rakkasans coordinated for a metal detector to use in discovering the cache.

The cache consisted of three Egyptian 100 kilogram explosive devices, 57 Iraqi 60 mm mortars, 53 Chinese 60 mm mortars, four 130 mm Iraqi high explosive projectiles, a Russian 122 mm rocket, a South African 155 mm rocket and various fuses and ammunition.

The weapons and ammunition were destroyed by explosives ordnance disposal personnel. [END]
Chicks Hatch, Kick Start Poultry Industry
By Sgt. 1st Class Kerensa Hardy
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

FORWARD OPERATING BASE MAHMUDIYAH, Iraq – The Karadi hatchery was abuzz with activity as nearly 33,000 day-old chicks were prepared for delivery to chicken farms in Mahmudiyah, about 26 kilometers south of Baghdad, May 13.

At the end of a 21-day incubation period, 32,750 chicks were distributed among seven local farmers. The chicks represented approximately 94 percent of the 35,000 eggs, well exceeding the expected 90 percent survival rate.

“After eight to nine months of planning, this is the first step where all the chicken farmers see live chickens getting put into the entire chicken industry,” said Capt. Benjamin Neusse, civil military operations officer for 3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. [...] read the
Field Artillery Provides Aid to Displaced Iraqis
By 1st Lt. Jonathan J. Springer
2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment Public Affiars Office

ETAB, Iraq – Since the beginning of the war, millions of Iraqis have fled their homes seeking refuge from violence and unrest brought on by insurgent groups in the war-torn country.

According to recent U.N. reports, over 2.2 million Iraqis have been displaced due to conflict and sectarian violence, and an estimated 60,000 are being forced to leave their homes every month.

To leaders within 2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), helping those who have been displaced has become a top concern.

“Every opportunity we take to help the people of Iraq in the midst of this conflict further isolates the insurgent from his power base ... the people,” said Maj. Tim Frambes, battalion operations officer. [...] read the
Iraqi, U.S. Forces Provide Much Needed Assistance to Local Village
By 1st Lt. Jonathan J. Springer
2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment PAO

Zuhari, Iraq – Soldiers from Alpha Battery, 2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), and Iraqi soldiers from 4th Battalion, 4th Brigade, 4th Iraqi Army Division, spent a day together dropping off humanitarian aid supplies in the village of Zuhari on April 29, 2008.

The village, which lies southeast of Balad, has around 300 people and lacks clean water, medical supplies, and consistent electricity.

“This was great opportunity to show the people of Zuhari that we truly care for there well-being. I think that by working together, the Iraqi and U.S. Soldiers made a huge difference for some really great people during this mission,” said Capt. Adalberto Rodriguez, battery commander for Alpha Battery, 2-320th FAR. [...] read the
Iraqi Army, Rakkasans Find Weapons Cache in Abu Osage
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Public Affairs Office

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – Iraqi army and Rakkasan soldiers located a weapons cache in Abu Osage, about 30 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, after following up on a tip from a local resident, May 14.

Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 25th Brigade, 6th IA Division, and 4th Platoon, Battery B, 3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), were conducting a joint patrol when they uncovered the buried cache.

The cache contained four 120 mm mortar rounds, three 155 mm mortar rounds, two 105 mm mortar rounds, three 57 mm anti-aircraft rounds, six boxes of DSHKA rounds, two boxes of 25 mm mortar rounds, one box of 60 mm mortar fuses and one 120 mm mortar tube with tripod.

The munitions were taken to the Lutifiyah IA Compound for disposal at a later date. [END]
Four Rakkasans Selected for Sgt. Audie Murphy Club
By Sgt. 1st Class Kerensa Hardy
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne. Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – Four Rakkasans from 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, have been selected for induction into the Sgt. Audie Murphy Club since the brigade arrived in Iraq.

After a series of grueling boards at the battalion, brigade and division levels, these noncommissioned officers proved themselves to be the caliber of Soldier the board members sought.

Sergeant First Class Anthony Crisostomo, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment; Staff Sgt. Johnny White, HHC, 3rd Special Troops Battalion; Staff Sgt. Benjamin Richards, Company A, 626th Brigade Support Battalion; and Staff Sgt. Amos Sward, HHC, 3rd BCT, 101st Abn. Div., were recommended.

“I think the Audie Murphy Club is a prestigious club made up of NCOs who wanted to be part of something great,” White said. “The Army in itself is a great institution, but within any organization there are a few people who like to set themselves apart; the Audie Murphy Club presents that opportunity.”

Sward likened the selection into the prestigious board to the Expert Infantryman Badge. [...] read the rest.
Fish Farming Rebounds in MND-C
By Greg Dubin
Multi-National Division – Center Public Affairs Office

MULTIN-NATIONAL DIVISION – CENTER, Iraq – The tumultuous era for fish farming in Iraq is beginning to wane, as Task Force Marne Soldiers facilitate a massive rebirth of this once prosperous industry.

The history of “aquaculture” in Iraq dates back thousands of years. Yet, since the 1980’s, the country’s fish farming industry has been declining.

Prior to the recent conflict, more than 2,000 fish farms operated in the country. Due to their profitability, the government took over many of the farms and gave them to Saddam Hussein’s family members.

With the overthrow of Hussein’s regime, the farms were returned to the Iraqi people. This transition from state-owned to private enterprise has required substantial coordination and assistance from TF Marne. [...] read the
Yusifiyah Radio Station Begins Broadcasting
By Pvt. Christopher McKenna
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Public Affairs Office

PATROL BASE YUSIFIYAH, Iraq – A radio station in Yusifyah, about 25 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, aired its first broadcast throughout the Nahia May 15.

The station will broadcast Iraqi music of various genres throughout the day, as well as weekly and bi-weekly message segments dealing with various ministry departments of the government.

“This is for … the people of Yusifiyah,” said Jamal Hussein, radio station manager. “This station is supported … by both the coalition and government of Iraq.”

A small building in the Yusifiyah Joint Security Station was renovated with new paint and windows, air conditioning, lights and broadcast equipment for broadcast use. [...] read the
IA, MND-B Soldiers Strengthen Relationship With Mansour Community
By Spc. April Campbell
Multi-National Division Baghdad

CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq – As Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers continue to work with Iraqi soldiers, they stress the importance of developing relationships with members of the local communities.

Working with their Iraqi army counterparts, Soldiers with the 1st Platoon, Company D, 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, currently attached to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), MND-B, worked to build such relationships during a visit to the Iskan Children’s Teaching Hospital in the Baghdad district of Mansour on May 15.

During the mission, the American and Iraqi Soldiers visited the cancer ward at the children’s hospital to hand out goodies sent by friends and Family in the United States. The Co. D Soldiers have been visiting the children at this hospital, which is near Joint Security Station Washash, where they have stayed since they arrived there more than a year ago. [...] read the
Tip Leads Rakkasans to Cache in Mahmudiyah
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Public Affairs Office

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq – Rakkasans from 2nd Platoon, Battery B, 3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), found a cache near the Qaqa apartments in Mahmudiyah, about 26 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, May 16.

A tip from a local citizen led the Soldiers to a cache comprised of 450 7.62 mm x 54 mm armor-piercing rounds, one 60 mm mortar system, 15 rocket-propelled grenade motors, 96 mortar cartridges and 10 pounds of mortar propellant bags.

Explosive ordnance disposal personnel transported the items to Forward Operating Base Mahmudiyah for later disposal. [END]
MND-B Soldiers Kill Two Criminals, Seize Munitions Caches
By the Multi-National Division – Baghdad Public Affairs Office

BAGHDAD – Multi-National Division – Baghdad soldiers killed two special groups criminals, who conducted attacks on coalition force soldiers, and discovered two weapons caches, one with the help of a Sons of Iraq (Abna al-Iraq) member, in Baghdad May 16.

The SoI member led Soldiers from 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division to a munitions cache consisting of 155 mm mortar rounds west of Baghdad at approximately 12:20 p.m.

At approximately 5 p.m., special groups criminals attacked soldiers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), with an improvised-explosive device and small-arms fire, as the soldiers were conducting a mounted patrol in the Shuala neighborhood of Baghdad’s Kadhamiyah district. The MND-B soldiers defended themselves and killed two criminals.

At approximately 6:15 p.m., soldiers from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, discovered 82 mm mortars and 60 mm mortars in the Furat neighborhood of the West Rashid district.

“The soldiers of Multi-National Division – Baghdad work alongside the Iraqi security forces to keep these dangerous weapons out of the hands of criminals,” said Col. Allen Batschelet, MND-B chief of staff. “We will remain diligent, and steadfast and loyal, in the professional execution of our duties to maintain peace and security for the people of Iraq.” [END]
Mortar Rounds, Rocket Found
By Multi-National Division - Center

CAMP VICTORY, Iraq – A local Iraqi gave information leading Iraqi army soldiers to a weapons cache in the Sharifat area, 12 miles south of Baghdad, May 18.

Soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 25th Brigade, 6th IA Division, uncovered the cache, which contained a 60 mm mortar tube with stand, 52 120 mm mortar rounds, 10 82 mm mortar rounds, 13 60 mm mortar rounds, two Iranian 60 mm mortar rounds, one unidentified rocket, one Russian SPG-9 rocket and more than 80 mortar primers and fuses.

The rounds, which were fused and primed, were mostly unserviceable as mortar rounds, but could be used as improvised explosive devices.

Explosive ordnance disposal personnel with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, will examine the Iranian rounds. [END]
Photo Gallery
ISF, MND-B Soldiers Patrol Western Baghdad Neighborhood of Ameriyah
Iraqi Army Leads Peaceful Patrol in Yusifiyah
101st Airborne Artillery Fires Shells in Support of Operation Fulton Harvest
IA Soldiers Visit Local Neighborhood Market in Mansour
MND-B Chaplain Conducts Church Service at JSS Washash
Strike Soldiers Search for Caches, React to Enemy Attack
GWOT Trot Held on FOB Fenty

Yusifiyah Opens New Iraqi Police Station
Operation Marne Piledriver Update
Rakkasans Host Tournament

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