Tuesday, January 6, 2009

War News: Voices From The War


Remember what (general) reid said back in April of 2007 when he was trying to ensure a defeat in Iraq for US Forces as he was trying to ensure a defeat of President Bush for political power and gain? The panty waste dweeb from Nevada regurgitated some more guttural nonsense recently.

JPA started to broadcast reid's stupidity and obviously demented spin yesterday but got too ill to get through it. I understand totally. So, below is the audio as well as the video. (Sometimes, videos get deleted if they are deemed too unkind to the morons of the Leftinistra...thus, the audio.)

All that was recently on Meet The Depressed. The following is from April of 2007, AFTER the Press Conference in Baghdad in March of 2007. It is quite clear, as can be seen in the screen shot below, that reid and his ilk of sycophantic worm dirt cherry picked that which they thought would best fit their plan to aid and abet the enemy for their own political aspirations...at the cost of American lives. I have posted an excerpt of the audio taken from the video.

click to enlarge

Now, clearly, reid and his kind are so far from the reaches of reality, they have believed and accepted their own lies and know that they have lied but cannot and will not admit it. What is a person like that classified as?

Reid got called out and STILL cannot acknowledge that The Troop Surge has been a phenomenal success in the light of how many times the Leftinistra have tried to lose the war. Here's the good part. I tried to excerpt some audio from the March 2007 Press Conference that reid combed through to find his idiocy a new voice but the video guts off just as General Petraeus was getting into the meat of the subject. I wanted you to hear it in his own voice. However, I do have an excerpt of General Petraeus talking about the "reconcilables and the irreconcilables" in Iraq. One presents a military solution and the other is a combination.

The entire conference was about the 18 Iraqi Benchmarks behind the scenes, don't ya know...and, by the way, ALL of them have been met.

Reid is an idiot.

Video and full transcript located here...

Related posts: Volokh Conspiracy, Jules Crittenden, Ace,

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