Friday, February 13, 2009


The following message comes from the Consumer Energy Alliance. They make it easy to send a message to the bureaucrats responsible for planning off shore leases such as those President Obama recently canceled. Please join me in sending a message favoring maximal exploration & development on the home front. The sooner we get started, the sooner we'll reap the benefits.

February 2009

CEA Newsletter
Issue 23

Message from CEA President David Holt
As a new Congress and administration look to confront the historic and related challenges of an economy in peril and millions of Americans out of work, CEA continues to make the case that an “all of the above,” supply-oriented energy strategy remains the best and most immediate way to stimulate our economy, create new jobs, and generate billions in additional revenue...more

Support the Five-Year Plan Draft Proposed Program to Develop Offshore Oil & Gas Resources!
A significant domestic supply of energy can be safely and efficiently found right here off of America’s shores. The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) currently administers the considerable oil and natural gas resources contained in our offshore waters and wants to hear from you about offshore oil and gas development.

Opposition to offshore energy development is mounting. We need you to let Washington know you support reasonable accesss to America’s offshore energy resources.

Send in your comments today!

Support Offshore Wind Power!
The Minerals Management Service is now accepting public comments on a final proposal to develop an offshore wind energy facility off of the Massachusetts coast.

The Cape Wind Energy Project has the potential to power more than 200,000 homes in Massachusetts.

Send in your comments today!

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