Friday, March 20, 2009

Do Something about Durban II

Those of us who oppose the Durban II process for demonizing Israel and censoring critics of Islam must organize and act quickly to have any hope of derailing the juggernaut.

Several groups have created on line petitions, most of them have few signatures. It may be possible to popularize them by spreading their urls on blogs and forums. You can also email them to your friends and family, urging them to forward the email to their contacts. If you use Digg, Redit or similar systems, promote the petitions there, too.

American citizens can send emails to President Obama, their Representative & Senators through a form at Enter your Zip Code and click the Federal Officials link. Europeans should contact their Member of Parliament and MEP.

To email a link to my blog post about the latest revision of the Durban I Draft Resolution, copy and paste this html code into your email: Durban II Sham Revision: the Details

Please click these links and sign the petitions.

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