Saturday, March 21, 2009

Islam: Religion or ?

In a March 19, 2009 opinion piece Demoting Islam's Religion Status published by the New Media Journal, Martel Sobieskey reveals vital information which has been ignored by our elected leaders for too long.

Sobieskey wields a heavy bat and leads off with a powerful swing.
One thing is certain, Islam is not a religion by anything Americans believe one to be - not even close. In fact, Islam is the antithesis of what we deem to be religious. reveals the origin of "religion".
  • 1150–1200; ME religioun (< class="ital-inline">religion) < class="ital-inline">religiōn- (s. of religiō) conscientiousness, piety, equiv. to relig(āre) to tie, fasten (re- re- + ligāre to bind, tie; cf. ligament ) + -iōn- -ion; cf. rely
Islam meets those tests: it prescribes a set of beliefs & practices and Muslims are bound to Allah in a master:slave relationship. They also provide a main definition of the term.
  • a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Islam meets those tests as well. What tests does Islam fail? Sobieskey does not explicitly name them. In my view, they include these concepts.
  1. Benevolent mission.
  2. Passive: propagation by persuasion.
  3. Universality.
Islam's mission is mercenary: obtaining wealth, income & sex slaves for Moe and his Caliphs. Islam spreads by the sword, not by persuasion. Islamic love & charity are for Muslims only, they do not extend to Kuffar.

Sobieskey has a different way of revealing those truths.
Above all, Islam is a totalitarian political machine of blood thirsty conquest which zealously advocates the downfall of the U.S. government. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world…” because he was 100% non-political. In extreme contrast, Mohammed and the Koran bellicosely command your kingdom is my kingdom, surrender or die!
Certainly that is good reason for excluding Islam from the umbrella of first amendment protection. Martel Sobieskey tells it as it is, clearly stating his conclusions.. He kept the length of his article within reason by stating the conclusions without laying out the full case of evidence upon which they are based. Supremacism, triumphalism, Jihad & terrorism are important factors in the decision. If you need to view their confirmation in Islamic law, turn to FOMIJihad.chm and read the Jihad in Fiqh chapter.

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