Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nightmare Act

W.A.M. ALERT -DREAM ACT as usual means the opposite:
A NIGHTMARE in the works - it will take all of US to stop it!

Legislators Plan Unfair Citizenship Benefits & Unwarranted Advantages to Non-Citizens:

Many activists are already aware that our crazy Congress is currently attempting
to increase immigration rights and citizenship benefits plus other perks - virtually overnight-
to illegal alien youths (defined to age 35!) on the claim that it is not their fault their parents
broke the law!

The insanity of this illogical conclusion can only be construed as a cover for building the un-Democratic
party's base by up to another 35 million! This figure is based on current projections of the number
of "students" and their families who will apply and receive rapidly implemented rights and benefits
from this bill, if it is signed into law. Because these measures are so unscrupulous - and politically
motivated - W.A.M. has prepared a special NO DREAM ACT PETITION plus ACTION TOOLS!

See informative W.A.M. Take A Stand summary of this bill here including Important Local
Meetings Schedule - which Congress is using to inflate the perception of public support for
these measures. These meetings have not been publicly promoted, specifically, to keep
DREAM ACT opponents away!

It is now up to each and all of us to participate in strategic W.A.M. ACTIONS to stop
this nightmare from happening. Together, we still stand a real chance of blocking
these measures - if we ALL join together in these concerted ACTIONS now.

There is no time for hesitation or delay - with your help, W.A.M. can
impact and influence this outcome before Capitol Hill sails it through-
which they aim to do upon completion of their "spring break."

WAM Coordinator

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