Monday, May 11, 2009

Ahmadinejad: UN Racism Conference Part 10

[Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran as delivered (unofficial transcript)]
Also now, in this valued conference, addressing you managers, thinkers and all the world nations who are thirsty for peace, freedom, progress and prosperity, I would like to say that the unjust ruling of the world is reaching its end. This deadlock was inevitable since the logic behind this imposed management is tyrannical. This is because the logic of the mass movement of the world is divine, purposeful, humane and God-centred. It is a movement which opposes any policy or plan which is not in line with the interests of nations. Victory of truth over vice and the bright future of humanity and the establishment of a just global system is the promise of God and all prophets, and a common hope of all communities and generations. Achieving such a future justifies the reason behind creation, is the belief of all those faithful to God and the very high status of the human beings.
The divine mass movement of the world is conversion to Islam. Allah's promises were distilled from the Qur'an & Hadith by Ibn Kathir. Read them and weep.
Islamic conquest is peace. Slavery to Allah is freedom. The poverty of the fellahin is progress and prosperity. George Orwell's time has come!

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