Saturday, June 13, 2009

De-Nuke Iran!

De-nuke Iran! The declaration reads:

We, the undersigned, declare that the American government and all free nations must act with speed, determination, and muscle to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. Now. By any means necessary. Before it's too late.
4200 have endorsed the declaration. I am one of them. Will you join us?

The Mullahs who run Iran believe that, by initiating Armageddon, they will provoke the appearance of their messiah, the Mahdi, who will finish their Islamic world conquest. When they obtain a nuke, they will use it. We must not let that happen!

Consider the consequences of a 10KT blast on any Jewish city. Consider the consequences on any American city. Consider the consequences of an EMP attack. Let Iran obtain the bomb and one or more of those evils is a guaranteed certainty. It will happen!

The banner at says "Stand up, speak out, be counted, raise Hell, De-Nuke Iran before it's too late." Click the link above and sign the declaration. Follow up by copying this blog post, paste it into an email and send it to your family, friends and associates with an exhortation to follow suit.
This campaign won't succeed unless we make it succeed; lets do it!

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