Friday, June 12, 2009

EPA: Put a Cork in It!

The EPA is about to rule that CO2 is a pollutant. Americans for Prosperity is organizing an email campaign to oppose the proposed rule. CO2 is a byproduct of baking, brewing, burning almost any fuel and living. We can't breath without releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. If they can regulate it, they can punish us for everything we do, even for living.
Once this "endangerment finding" has been reached, the EPA will be empowered to advance carbon dioxide regulations to their heart's content. But even if they wanted to take the severe economic impact of this proposal into account, they can't. Once the endangerment finding is final, they would be compelled to work aggressively to eliminate it across the economy.
One lawsuit by a fringe environmental group could bring our economy to a standstill.

Please click this link to tell the EPA to cork itself.

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