Friday, June 26, 2009

Idiotic Petition Comments

I recently visited the Ban Islam Petition and discovered two interesting new comments. The petition asks the World Court to outlaw Islam because of its intrinsically evil doctrines & practices.

787. Morgan Brykein Care to read the First Amendment?
The petition's author is a citizen of Canada, not shaded by the First Amendment's umbrella of protection. The Canadian Human Rights Council has the power to persecute him. The amendment's establishment & free exercise clauses apply to the federal government of the U.S.A., they have no application to the World Court.

786. Frikka Wow Wow Freedom of religion, crackers, ever hear of it?
Casting aside the racial slur as irrelevant, I'll tackle the freedom of religion argument. Those persons fortunate enough to be under the First Amendment's umbrella of protection are shielded from establishment of a national church and protected from national interference with their faith & practice. Freedom of religion implies that we can't be compelled to believe or worship nor be obstructed from belief & practice.

Islam has no such provision. 3:85 declares that no religion will be accepted but Islam and those who seek other religions will be condemned to Hellfire. 8:39 & 9:29 declare unremitting warfare against pagans and Jews & Christians respectively until all resistance ceases, only Allah is worshiped and "people of the book" are humbled, subjugated & extorted. In Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387, Moe informs us that our lives & property are not sacred to Muslims until we become Muslims.

If Muslims are free to practice Islam, then the rest of us are deprived of the right to live in addition to our freedom of religion. Open your Qur'an to 2:216, which ordains Jihad for Muslims. Jihad is what a Muslim must do to avoid Hellfire and be assured of admission to Paradise. Open your Qur'an to 61:10 and read through the 13th ayeh. Muslims are obligated to fight in Allah's cause. Allah's cause is making his word and system dominate the entire world. Doubters & dissenters should turn to 9:33 followed by Sahih Bukhari 4.52.65. Offensive Jihad is fard Kifaya, binding on every able bodied male Muslim of military age until a sufficient number have answered the call. Defensive Jihad is fard Ayn, binding on every Muslim who can get to the front.

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