Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Resist Alien Amnesty


Grassfire.org reports that President Obama intends to begin the big push for illegal alien amnesty June 8. Grassfire is mounting a petition campaign to spur and express public outrage at President Obama's shameful treachery.

Of course, Grassfire is building a contact list and soliciting donations in connection with the petition, that is par for the course. But they do provide a free and easy way to communicate our disgust with the Congress when they deliver the petitions.

Numbers USA

Another organization, Numbers USA, has a very informative web site that provides most of the intellectual ammunition needed to fight "comprehensive immigration reform:. Numbers USA has frequent phone & fax campaigns we can participate in and the faxes are free.


When you are ready to contact your Representative & Senators, you can easily send them an email even if you don't know their names. Congress.org, given your zip code, will look them up for you and set up an easy to use email form.

It is our country, our jobs, our schools and our health care system at stake. President Obama wants to convert the illegal aliens into citizens in hopes that Hispanics will become a permanent Democrat voting block. We must rise up as one, united, with a loud voice yelling "Hell NO"!!! If you want the fence completed, the borders patrolled, existing immigration laws & rules enforced and amnesty schemes abandoned permanently, then start your faxes and emails flowing to Congress and the White House and keep them flowing. Join the growing chorus of demands for rational, common sense government. The country you save will be our own.

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