Saturday, July 4, 2009

Interreligious Dialogue: Snake Feces

The Pakistan Observer published an article by Muhammad Munir & Aftab Hussain about interreligious dialogue. One paragraph stands out from the rest as an exemplar of al-taqeyya. I present it here in block quote format with my comments running full column width.

The peaceful resolution of inter-confessional issues is possible only during an open and friendly dialogue.
Is Jesus Christ the son of God or not? Was he crucified; did he die on the cross? Was he resurrected? Answers from Christianity and Islam are polar opposites, no reconciliation is possible.

Reconquest of Israel, Spain, Greece & South Eastern Europe is another issue that can not be reconciled. Islam is intrinsically violent, mandated by Allah to conquer and subjugate the entire world.

Islam considers any assertion of Christ's deity to be blasphemy. Wherever Allah's writ runs, Christians are forbidden to build churches or repair existing churches.
In fact the religious, spiritual problems frequently are the catalyst of many negative political processes in the modern world. And here one can refer to both pure religious problems (as, for example, in the situation with caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the western press), and misinterpretation of religious norms by various confessions (for example, religious extremist misinterpret Islam in justification of terrorism).
Islamic law forbids any criticism of Allah and his Messenger. Refer to Reliance of the Traveller, O8.7 and O11.10. The cartoons depicted Moe as a terrorist, which he was by his own admission. [Bukhari 1.7.331, 4.52.220]

"Terrorism" is used by the writers as a shibboleth to distract us from the issue of Jihad. Jihad is ordained for Muslims, who are commanded to fight pagans until all resistance ceases and only Allah is worshiped. They are commanded to fight people with scriptural religions until they are subjugated & extorted. Jihad is the purpose of their relationship with Allah and a "commerce that will save them from a painful torment". Terrorism is a battle tactic sanctified by Allah in 3:151 & 8:12 and exemplified in 33:26 & 59:2. Moe bragged about being made victorious by casting terror.

Who misinterpreted the Qur'an? Moe said that he was "ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.'".

There are many hopes and aspirations attached to the third session of the congress. The international scenario is changing; people around the world have rejected fundamentalists and extremists. The elections held in different countries around the world have proven that fundamentalists and extremists have been defeated, may these be religious extremists or political fundamentalists. In such an environment it becomes very necessary for the religious leaders to play a role to fill the gap that was created by these extremists. The attempts by the president of Kazakhstan are highly appreciating and such steps should be taken around the world.
Are Hamas & Hezbollah "extremists" or "fundamentalists"? Which elected Islamic government rejects them and their program of reconquest? Which elected Islamic government denounces rocket & bomb attacks upon Israel and attempts to prevent their subjects from supporting those attacks financially?

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