Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Granny's Wisdom

The author of the following essay is a very nice older lady, a grandmother and great cook with a great deal of love and wisdom to share. She sent this by email with a request to share it, and that is what I am doing. I made one edit, removing her signature because I do not want to have Obamanation goon squads knocking on her door.

In this essay, the author is giving you clues about how to detect a conniving cult leader pulling the wool over your eyes and how to react. This is her way of gently informing the majority of the electorate that they have been conned and need to do something about it to limit the damage. I pass this on in hopes that you will take her wisdom to heart and put up a deliberate and determined fight to preserve our liberties.

I am a 69 year old woman, never an activist, always involved, but not ever a member of any “MOB. I am the mother of 3 of the most wonderful children in the world. I never had to go to a jail, or a cemetery to find my kids. I am self educated. College is something adults do and adults pay their own way. My children did the same, self educated, up to Masters and beyond. I have lived within my means and never took any assistance.

I find it very disconcerting that the United State’s President is asking US citizens to “report” misinformation. Calling the people who have active concerns about their country, “Astroturf” grass roots. This, from a man who started his career by being a “community organizer”. This is a man who bussed people into places to protest, and “question authority”. People, who often were not even from the area. Charming and handsome, and articulate and “clean”, a thug from the inner city, who knows how to manipulate people to do as he directs.

I once had a shirt that said just that, “question Authority”. Nothing wrong with that, you can question it and be respectful, and as far as I can see the people at the “tea parties” and at the town meetings were respectful, but they were tired of the bullsh--.

. “Have to make judgments in a hurry”. Assign it to underlings? What are we paying THEM for?

Mr. Obama never lied to us. Wake up America, he said “The United States is a wonderful Country, and we are going to CHANGE IT”. Well??? He is keeping his campaign promise.

Hitler told us what his plans were, so did Jim Jones.

I taught school for a few years, History, to 7th thro 12 grades. The thing I told them was to watch out for ANY group that isolates, intimidates and humiliates you, it is a cult and run, RUN as fast as you can, or Fight, fight hard.

What is the man in the Oval Office doing? Isolating the protesters, intimidating them and humiliating them in the public media.

Is this really the man you voted for? Yes it is. He did not lie to you, he wanted “change”, but you thought it was a change for your betterment, it was not, it was a change that has been in the making for some 60 years. He was the “face” the “class act” and the people of the US, who wanted to show they were “sorry for the past”, voted a man into office with an agenda and a cruel one at that.

I am a Registered Nurse. I am THE only one who does NOT care if you have insurance or not. The hospital, physio, labs, nursing homes et all care. I will care for you no matter; I work in a Jail setting, oh yes I care for the people who have nothing to give. The health care as it is proposed is a disaster. But no one seems to care, they have the votes, all 60, sounds like a dictatorship, not an advise and consent, not a debate. Just a ram through, unread unquestioned vote because we are mere children who “don’t know what is good for us”….This is a direct quote.

Isolate, intimidate, humiliate…it is all there, RUN ,FIGHT, do something.!!!

I DO NOT have the DUTY to Die. I have the right to LIFE. I have promise, I have gifts, and I have worth. I even have wisdom gained from the pain of growing. I can share. I am real. So are you.

ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT………………….what are you thinking about and how are you thinking about it? Put your energy where it counts. Brave on!!…..

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