Saturday, August 22, 2009

Obamination: Ramadan Treason

President Obama's Ramadan message includes the usual boiler plate treason. I have selected some exemplary dissembling for refutation.
  • "These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common"
The implication is both overly broad and false. Islam does not share any principles with Western Civilization. Next time, list them and submit proof that Muslims share them. I won't hold my breath while I wait for that list and evidence.
  • lslam's role in advancing justice, progress,. tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings
Nothing could be further from the truth. Reliance of the Traveller, Book O, Chapter 9, Paragraphs 8 &9 charge the Caliph with the duty of attacking Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians & Pagans at least once in every year. Those laws are based on Surahs At-Taubah & Al-Anfal of the Qur'an. Exactly how does that advance justice, tolerance & dignity?

Chapter 11, Paragraph 5, says of dhimmis:
  • 2- are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar);
  • 3- are not greeted with "as-Salamu 'alaykum";

  • -4- must keep to the side of the street;

  • -5- may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims' buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed;

  • -6- are forbidden to openly display wine or pork, (A: to ring church bells or display crosses,) recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays;
  • -7- and are forbidden to build new churches.

Exactly how do those laws advance justice, tolerance & dignity?

  • "For instance, fasting is a concept shared by many faiths - including my own Christian faith - as a
    way to bring; people closer to God, and to those among us who cannot take their next meal for
    granted. And the support that Muslims provide to others
    recalls our responsibility to advance
    opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we
    want to build - and the changes that we Want to make - must begin in our own hearts, and our
    own communities."
Note the clause which I emphasized: Islamic law forbids giving Zakat to Kufar. Refer to Reliance of the Traveller H8.24.
  • It is not permissible to give zakat to a non-Muslim, or to someone whom one is obliged to support (def: m12.1), such as a wife or family member.
President Obama conflates charity & universal benevolence with Socialism and at the same time, mixing domestic policy with foreign.
  • "Beyond America' borders. we are also committed to keeping our responsibility to build a world
    that is more peaceful and secure. That is why we are responsibly ending the war in Iraq."
The invasion of Iraq could only increase peace & security by rendering Iraq unIslamic. Iraq & Afghanistan will be threats to peace & security so long as their people and governments are Islamic. By leaving Iraq with Islam still in place, we decrease peace and security below the level pertaining before the invasion.
  • 'That is why we are isolating violent extremists while empowering the people in places like Afghanistan
    and Pakistan."
"Violent extremists" is a shibboleth designed to draw our attention away from the fatal fact of intrinsic violence in Islam.. Islamic Jihad, terrorism & genocide result from intrinsic scriptural doctrines & traditional example, not from 'extremists'. The difference between 'extremists' and 'the people' is zeal. Violence is a function of intensity of belief & zealotry. We can't isolate them because we can't identify them. Besides, zealotry can increase spontaneously or as a result of aggressive sermons at the local Mosque.
  • "That is why we are unyielding in our support for a two-state solution that
    recognizes the rights of Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and security."
Israelis are Palestinians. Palestinians are Jews . The so called Palestinians President Obama refers to are undifferentiated Arabs seeking to reconquer Israel demographically and militarily. State or no state, so long as there are Muslims within rocket range of Israel, Israel will not obtain peace or security no matter what she does. Israel's existence is an offense to Muslims because her land was conquered by Caliph Umar in 638. Allah promised Muslims victory and dominance over the region. By reclaiming her land, Israel proves Allah to be an impotent idol. Muslims can't tolerate that! Muslims will continue to attack Israel until they are successfully in reconquest or Israel ushers them into hell. There is nothing we can do about it.
  • " And that is why America will always stand for the universal rights of all people to speak their mind, practice their
    , contribute fully to society and have confidence in the rule of law."
I emphasized the problematic phrase in that sentence. Islam requires Jihad, genocide & terrorism. It is not possible to fully practice Islam without engaging in them until their world conquest is completed. If they have a right to practice Islam, then we have no right to live; no human dignity.
  • All of these efforts are a part of America' commitment to engage Muslims and Muslim-majority
    nations on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect.
Idiocy & treason are in the emphasized phrase. Islam has no respect for Kufar. To Muslims, we are rebels against Allah, and they are duty bound to defeat us and gather us together into Hell, the worst of living creatures. We have no mutual interest with Muslims! Their interest is world conquest, ours is peace, security and prosperity. We have nothing in common.
  • "And at this time of renewal, I want to reiterate my commitment to a new beginning between America and Muslims around the world,"
How about a new beginning between lambs and lions? When will lions quit eating lambs? That is when Islam will quit Jihad. Two classes of people say otherwise: damned fools and traitors. Islam is a predatory institution; we need to call it what it is. We need to call those who deny that fatal fact what they are. Intellectual honesty and moral clarity require us to do that.
  • From around the world, we have received an outpouring of feedback about how America can be a partner on behalf of peoples' aspirations.
Islam is about enrichment and empowerment through the profession of piracy. Islam seeks total world domination by conquest. That is their only aspiration. Any occidental who seeks to facilitate Islamic world conquest is a traitor! Why Jihad? Because that is how Moe derived his income! Read 8:1, 8:41 & 8:67 and get a clue. The fatal fact of mercenary motivation is confirmed by hadith: When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand .

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