Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tell DOI to Increase Domestic Oil Production

An email from American Solutions asserts that "U.S. Department of Interior decides when and where we drill, and they decide based on public feedback."
American Solutions has a form letter prepared for us to sign and send. The text is editable, and I made good use of that feature. The deadline for comments is September 21, so it is vital that you make good use of this link now.

The sooner we begin domestic exploration & production, the sooner we will diminish our suicidal dependence on an oil cartel owned by regimes which hate us. With the Obama administration and Democrat dominated Congress opposed to domestic oil production, an extreme quantity of public pressure is needed to influence the Department of Interior's decision.

If you want lower and more stable gasoline, fuel oil & natural gas prices, click the link above and send that email, then urge your family, friends and associates to do the same.

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