Friday, October 23, 2009

NO!! to Health Care Destruction!!

Grass Fire wants to deliver as many petitions as possible Oct. 27. So far, they have 573,704 signatures. Please add yours and pass the link to everyone you can hope to influence.

To: President Barack Obama, Members of Congress

As a concerned citizen, I oppose any and all efforts to further expand government control over the U.S. healthcare and insurance system. Specifically, I oppose the so-called “Public Option” proposals -- the “Affordable Health Choices Act” and other similar bills -- which amount to government-run, socialized health care that will impose massive taxes on the American people.

Like most Americans, I prefer getting my health coverage through private insurance rather than the federal government. That’s because government healthcare always results in higher costs and rationing. I do not want politicians and bureaucrats dictating the health care and insurance decisions of myself and my employer. Especially in these difficult economic times, I flatly reject any new government healthcare plan that imposes new taxes or burdens on individuals or businesses.

We must communicate our passionate objections to the health care destruction plan. If you are represented by Democrats or Rinos who won't take NO! for an answer, it is time to communicate your passion by flaming them. At you can enter your Zip Code and fill in a simple form to send an email to your Representative and Senators by clicking the Federal Officials link. To send them the most profane possible flamer, include this link in your email:
The staffer who clicks on that link will see a brief explanation of objection to Waxman-Markey Cap & Tax and Health Care Destruction, followed by a big, bright & bold execration. Don't delay, do it today!

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