Friday, January 8, 2010

KSM Trial Petition

Human Events and Red State have created an on line petition demanding reversal of the decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and four other terrorists in New York City. They list seven relevant points bearing on the idiocy of the decision.
  1. jurisprudence: bad precedent
  2. risk of technical acquittal
  3. role inversion, putting the U.S.A. on trial
  4. reversion to 9/10 criminal offense paradigm
  5. revelation of state secrets
  6. excessive security expense
  7. attractive target for renewed attack
Jed Babbin Editor of Human Events, has written an excellent editorial which clarifies the issues very forcefully. .A Facebook group has been created to support the petition.

If you understand and care about the consequences of applying the law enforcement paradigm to acts of war, then you will join with me and 20,297 others who have signed the on line petition demanding that the terrorists be tried by military tribunals far from our vulnerable cities.

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