Friday, January 27, 2012

Bare Naked Islam Is Back!!

Bare Naked Islam, the video rich blog about current events related to Islam, taken down by Word Press after badgering by CAIR, is back, on its own, previously registered domain. 

    At present, there is a redirect from the old WordPress domain, but that might not last forever, so visitors should go to
bookmark it and sign up for email notification of new posts. 

    Tyrants & dictators have long sought to squelch critics; the Stamp Act and attempts to limit access to printing presses played a role in causing the ar of Revolution which resulted in American independence. 

    George Washington said something of vital importance about free speech, we must ever bear his wise words in mind.

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

    When attackers threaten, we must be free to identify & accurately describe the source of the threat and warn our fellows to fend off approaching danger.  Islam arrogantly demands that the alarm be silenced so as to facilitate conquest. Moe set the pattern, by commissioning the murder of poets & singers who criticized and mocked him. 

    Bare Naked Islam, which had more than 100,000 page views per month at WordPress, is one of the premier watchdogs, loudly sounding the alarm. It will not be silenced.  

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