Friday, January 13, 2012

Your Vote Could Narrow My Choices

 When South Carolina and Florida go to the polls, it is likely that candidates who trail in the polls will drop out of the race.  The Iowa Caucuses already eliminated two of my choices. 

    If Rick Santorum is eliminated, I will have no choice but to hold my nose and vote for Gingrich Feb. 28.  If Gingrich and Santorum are both eliminated, I may as well stay home because I absolutely will not vote for Huntsman, Perry or Romney.

    In my opinion, the time has come to consider standardizing the Primaries, on a common day, giving citizens of every state equal opportunity to participate in the candidate selection process.  It is time to put an end to the petty fussing over who votes first the rules are arcane and idiotic.

   lets switch to a two stage ballot: let every voter make a first, second and third choice.  If no candidate obtains a majority of the first choice ballots, add in the second, and if necessary, third choice votes until a majority is obtained.  If there is no majority using all three ballots, let the convention system make the final choice the old fashioned way. 

    While we are at it, lets close the primaries, there is justification for allowing Democrats and Morons to interfere in the selection of the Republican nominee. 

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