Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Incidents of Intolerance

Incidents of Intolerance A/C.3/68/L.48 Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping,stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief continues by recognizing . that enhancing implementation of existing legal regimes ... is important in combating incidents of intolerance.

Recognizing that working together to enhance the implementation of existing
legal regimes that protect individuals against discrimination and hate crimes,
increase interfaith and intercultural efforts and expand human rights education is an
important first step in combating incidents of intolerance, discrimination and
violence against individuals on the basis of religion or belief,

Incidents of Intolerance

    What does that mean? To learn what it means, read one of the Islampohobia  Observatory Reports.  The fifth annual report is exemplary. On page 14,"The Innocence of Muslims" is listed as a manifestation of Islamophobia and an incident of intolerance. The conceptual content of the video is confirmed from Islamic sources.

     An OSCE conference last year discussed "manifestations of intolerance"; the following quote from page 14 is an eye opener.  
Ms. Emine Bozkurt discussed the use of Islamophobic language in media and political
discourse, including such terms asthe Shari’a threat”, ‘Islamofascism”, “Islamic
terrorism”, “the mass migration of Muslims” and “the headscarf problem”, as a means of
promoting hatred and fear towards Muslim communities.
According to OSCE, the uttering and publishing of “the Shari’a threat”, “‘Islamofascism” & “Islamic terrorism” are incidents of intolerance. The draft resolution before the General Assembly demands enforcement of laws to prohibit the uttering and publishing of  videos and texts which expose the damnable doctrines and practices of Islam. Saying or writing "Islamic terrorism" must not be made a crime punishable by law. 

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