Saturday, June 30, 2007

Lieberman's Take

Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:16 PM

With the recent developments of the possibility of Mr. Lieberman jumping the sinking and stinking ship of the Socialist Liberal Party, aka Democratic Party, aka Regressive Party, I at first had my doubts. Not now.

My doubts were due to a continuing Congressional cascade towards self-indulgent stupidity and superiority complexes over the people they were elected to represent. Sounds “Rather” crass but that is the way I see it. Take a stab at proving me wrong. Go ahead and don’t be shy. Just make sure you have your facts together because I have mine.

The Congress has been slowly taken over through the years of people that promote their own personal agendas as well as the Party Hack Line, no matter the political party. They no longer represent “We The People”. People tend to accept a particular candidate even when their philosophies differ. That is OK as long as the elected officials represent their constituents, as is their function, as stated in the Constitution of the United States. This isn’t the case anymore…is it? Methinks not.

OK. Joe Lieberman. He votes with the Democrats MOST of the time…perhaps ALWAYS except when it comes to the Global War On Terror. He got alienated by the Hate Bush and Hate America Crowds and went Independent and won relection in CT. OK. Fine.

He also stated that he would “caucus with the Democrats” and parlay with the Republicans. OK. Fine.

The Hate Bush and Hate America Crowds have finally irritated Joe to such a degree, due to theri treasonous stance on the GWOT, that he now may jump ship. OK. Fine.
Proud Infidel from Victory Caucus sent me a link which convinced me to ruck up and accept him into the fold.

Read the article and decide for yourself. They are now referring to him as being a narcissist. WHAT? As Proud Infidel has stated, “And what the HELL was Clinton? Kerry? PELOSI!! Jesum - don’t even get me started on that woman!” LOL!!

Really. Go read that Leftinistra Rag and then check out the comments to the post. Simply amazing.

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