Saturday, June 30, 2007

Nine Reasons Leftinistra Are Untrustworthy

9 Reasons
9 Reasons
Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:03 PM

So the leftinistra desire to have one of their own in the White House. How admirable of them. One should be asking themselves, “Is this a good thing to have a socialist in the White House?” Personally, I would say emphatically HELL NO!! Why?

Glad you asked. There is an article floating about that the Leftinistra would “Rather” no one know about. It is a fantastic article: A Leftinistra In The White House?

Sadly mislead democrats rally to the sides of the socialists as they listen to their “it sounds good and feels good” rhetoric. I have been witnessing it for YEARS. I voted for one, once. I was young and dumb. My parents WERE democrats so naturally, so was I. I learned my lesson the hard way. I voted for Jimmy Carter. As I grew in maturity, I noticed that Peanut Boy was selling this country down the river and thought “talking and talking and talking with our enemies” was the way to go. Moron. That worked real good with Iran, right? Moron.

There are 9 primary reasons why the socialist liberals, aka democrats, aka regressive morons, cannot handle the office of the presidency of the United States:

1) The Democratic insistence on treating the war on terrorism as a law enforcement issue will make it extremely difficult to deal with terrorist groups.The Leftinstra logic behind that one stems from the vaunted World Opinion. I spit on world opinion. Since the 1900s, which country has spent the most in blood, sweat, tears and money for EVERYONE in the world? And they DARE whine when we declare war on terror? To hell with them.

2) Ronald Reagan once said that, “Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.” Conversely, a super power that seems weak invites attack.A friend of mine has recently stated, “The socialists are going to make their beds with the Jihadists. For instance, 20% of Moscow’s population is Muslim due to declining birthrates among non-Muslims and immigration into Moscow. Expectations are that 50% of the Russian Army will be Muslim by 2010. The socialists do hold a weak upper hand at this time, but by demographics, they will not for much longer. So their socialists and our socialists will ally themselves with the Jihadist cause in the guise of multiculturalism, but it truth, it is because they believe that there is nothing worth fighting for. And believing nothing is worth fighting for is a more polite way of avoiding the fact that they are cowards and are afraid to fight.”

The Jihadists consider “running away” from battle as a sign of weekness. Indeed. That’s what the Leftinistra are. Weak.

3) When the only credible Democratic voice on national security in the Senate, Joe Lieberman, was defeated in the Democratic primary last year, the message sent to Democrats was, “Being serious about defending America may cost you your job.”Elected democrats and their sheeple hated old Joe over that deal because he broke with the spineless cowards and showed the world that they were cowards. Now, old Joe MIGHT switch to the GOP for the same reasons. The Leftinistra, being urged on by Jihad Jane, have never been serious, in recent years, about defending America. Why? Because they have nothing they consider fighting for. That’s why.

4) The Democratic base doesn’t take terrorism seriously and considers it to be nothing more than a distraction from socializing the economy, raising taxes, promoting gay marriage, and the other domestic issues that are near and dear to the heart of liberals.The Leftinistra seem to think that Corporate America Is A Worse Threat Than Terrorism! That is totally crazy. They rale against those institutions yet most of their Big Money Dogs are from Corporate America, most of them UNION!! DNC/Leftinistra double standards at work. If your base is full of cowards, so will the Big Dog.
5) Using the American military to further the interests of our country makes liberals uncomfortable, even though they’re usually happy to send the troops gallivanting off to the latest godforsaken hotspot that has caught the eye of liberal activists.The Leftinistra, at every opportunity, have stripped tha military to the bare bones, in an effort to project America as a Paper Tiger. Period. They scream, hoot and holler about Iraq but not Afghanistan. Why is that? Is it politically correct or incorrect or something? Is the only thing which drives the Leftinistra politics?

6) When the U.N. Security Council has members like China, France, and Russia that seem to be financially in bed with every country we end up at loggerheads with, the UN is going to be even more hapless and ineffective than normal.Oh PLEASE!! Remember when that bafoon Kerry said that the United States should be bound by the United Nations for any steps our country feels it needs to take in order to defend and protect her citizens? Remember that? It was called Global Approval or some retarded thing like that. Unbelievable.

7) The Democrats are overly concerned with “international opinion,” AKA “European opinion.”This is related to reason #1, above. Opinions. Flame the opinions of other countries run by the same genre of pacifistic cowards, aka Leftinistra, aka socialist liberals, aka regressive moonbats. Except for England (and sometimes not), European leaders are about the most wimpiest people in the whole Universe. Tinfoil soldiers is NOT what we need.

8) The Democrats want to close Guantanamo Bay and put the terrorists held there into the American court system.That is plain retarded and foolish. Since when do illegal combatants on top of being non US citizens deserve the frills of the United States Constitution. Can anyone point that chapter and verse out to me? I could go on and on but suffice it to say that the United States Constitution covers United States Citizens ONLY!!!

9) The intelligence programs that have helped prevent another 9/11 would be curtailed under a Democratic President.

Leftinistra don’t like intelligence because thay lack the capabilities to process it. It scares them. They might have to FIGHT a REAL fight. Friggin cowards. Again, whnever a leftinistra is in power, they strip our military and intelligence services to the bare bones. The money is used for touchy-feeling crap.

From the article: “If a Democrat were to win in 2008, it would give terrorists worldwide a four year respite to rebuild, reload, and run wild without serious opposition from the United States. The price our nation and our allies would pay in blood and treasure for that mistake would be incalculable.”
Exactly so.

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