Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Al-Qaeda on the Run: Feasting on the Moveable Beast

Al-Qaeda on the Run: Feasting on the Moveable Beast

“No al Qaeda Zone”: Hefty Buhriz Policeman smoking in public.

The last major mission I did while in Baqubah in early 2005 was into Buhriz. That mission had begun with our artillery firing some 155mm shots into a palm grove on the banks of the Diyala River. The enemy in Buhriz, consisting partly of the 1920s Revolution Brigades, was tough and proficient at killing our people.

A current leader in Burhiz and member of the 1920s Revolution Brigades (1920s) goes by the name Abu Ali. On Monday 9 July, I drove in the back of a Stryker and talked on the streets of Buhriz with Abu Ali. Just months ago our forces would have shot Abu Ali on sight, and he surely would have done the same to us. Today we are allies, for now.

An AP report filed recently entitled “Al-Qaida’s No. 2 asks support of Muslims” says:

Al-Qaida’s deputy leader sought to bolster the terror network’s main arm in Iraq in a new video released Thursday, calling on Muslims to rally behind it at a time when the group is on the defensive, faced with U.S. offensives and splits with other insurgent groups.

To read the rest, please click the link. Thanks.

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