Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Peacenik Shoots An Airman

Here we go again with the Double Standards. Michelle Malkin has a piece at RCP and she is asking why the Lame Stream Media isn't screeching their usual screeching yakkity-yak.

Read the piece and afterwards, send a get-well wish to the Airman.

When Peaceniks Attack, Journalists Snooze

A young Air Force airman is fighting for his life in Camden, N.J. He was shot on Independence Day by a crazed gunman who reportedly had a beef with the military and the U.S. government and "wanted to make a statement" on the Fourth of July. Have you heard about the plight of 22-year-old McGuire Air Force Base loadmaster Jonathan Schrieken? Probably not.

The shooting got no mention in The New York Times -- not even a squib in a back section (though the paper did see fit to put the shooting of a 7-year-old girl in Trenton on the front page).

"Turns out the guy left a couple of suicide notes stating how much he hated the military and he wanted to go out making a statement, so he chose to make his statement on Independence Day trying to kill a soldier. We are very worried about our Airman . . . he's like a son to me. He's been to Iraq and Afghanistan on our behalf and then gets shot in his own driveway here in the U.S. by an anti-war, anti-American lunatic. This is gut wrenching."

Now, imagine the scenario flipped: What if a soldier had attempted to murder a peace activist over the holidays in order to "make a statement"? The Times would be holding front-page vigil, and Katie Couric's brow would be furrowed for a week. The yakkity yaks on "The View" would be clucking their tongues about the culture of violence bred by the military -- and who knows what Rosie O'Donnell would be dressing her poor child in to exploit the story on her website.

The above are samples of the whole article but I am sure you get the gist.

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