Saturday, July 7, 2007

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes for President?

Alan Keyes for President?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 2:58 PM

How about a Thompson-Keyes ticket? Or a Hunter-Keyes ticket? Or a Keyes-Hunter or a Keyes-Thompson ticket? Just a thought.

We need Alan Keyes for President!

June 5, 2006

Dear Friends of Alan Keyes,

Several times a week, we at RenewAmerica receive messages from moral conservatives and concerned citizens encouraging Alan Keyes to run for president in 2008 (messages we pass on to him).

Typically, these messages express dissatisfaction with the current field of candidates and ask Alan to enter the Republican primaries–the most wide-open presidential race in 60 years.

Here’s a recent e-mail from a Keyes supporter:

    I strongly feel that it is imperative that Alan Keyes run for president in 2008. I voted for him in the Republican primary in 2000 because I believed that he was the right candidate for president then and still is today.

    With the media frenzy surrounding Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, it’s time that a true conservative stepped to the plate to combat the left.

    No one in the field of candidates, Republican or Democrat, has more experience in the realm of foreign policy than Mr. Keyes. No one is more qualified to lead this nation in the war on terror than Mr. Keyes. No one is more qualified to lead this country in protecting the right to life than Mr. Keyes.

    I’m confident that he is the best candidate for the job. I really hope to see him run.

In response to these expressions of confidence in Alan, we’ve launched a new website–AlanKeyes.comto rally support for Alan’s possible candidacy.

Alan believes that the American people are the key to restoring and sustaining a renewal of the values that are essential to the future of our nation. He has therefore assured us that if enough grassroots support exists for him to run, he is prepared to run.

Please visit, sign the petition in support of Alan, and join us in creating a grassroots-based We Need Alan Keyes for President coalition.

Why we need Alan

Like the writer of the above e-mail, many conservatives have concluded that none of the existing candidates is prepared to lead our country to the kind of moral, political, social, and–yes–religious renewal needed to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” in these troubling times.

While many of the candidates are admirable individuals with notable strengths, only Dr. Keyes has the comprehensive–and exceptionalunderstanding, skill, intelligence, credentials, and leadership needed to guide our country back to its foundations, in an election that may be the most crucial in our nation’s history.

  • Alan is the only potential nominee who can truly unite and inspire grassroots Americans in the cause of reclaiming our republic.
  • Alan’s record of courageous leadership in defense of moral principle–including defense of the unborn, the traditional family, and religious libertyis unsurpassed.
  • Alan’s understanding of sound national policy and clear founding principle–and his energetic advocacy of these things in public lifeset him apart from the current field of hopefuls. If conservatives are to have a strong, unifying voice in the upcoming presidential election, they need to rally around Dr. Keyes and create a veritable army of right-thinking citizens who are willing to amass the support needed to elect him.
  • Conservative coalition underway

    Building a broad national grassroots coalition throughout the primaries is vital to the future of the conservative movement. Dr. Keyes wants to “redefine campaigning” in a number of far-reaching ways that will return politics to the people–but for him to do so, moral conservatives need to band together and DEMONSTRATE THEIR GRASSROOTS STRENGTH in support of his candidacy.

    Already a broad coalition of conservatives is underway in support of Dr. Keyes–comprised of moral conservative groups and individuals. Whether this movement succeeds or not will be largely up to grassroots Americans like you and other Friends of Alan Keyes.

    What you can do

    If you would like to see Alan Keyes in the White House, get involved!

    1. Go to and sign our online petition in support of Alan Keyes for President.
    2. Sign up as a Keyes team member, and let us know what role you’d like to fill. (See
    3. Contribute what you can to assist in this vital effort. You can donate online by credit card–or mail a contribution–by clicking here.
    4. Finally, share this message with all your conservative friends, and hand it out to all others who may be interested. Let’s stun the skeptics by demonstrating the sizeable grassroots strength that exists among committed moral conservatives.

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful support for We Need Alan Keyes for President. Let’s retake our republic!

    Keep faith,

    Stephen Stone
    President, RenewAmerica
    Chief Executive Officer, We Need Alan Keyes for President, Inc.

    Steven T. Voigt
    General Counsel, RenewAmerica
    Chief of Staff, We Need Alan Keyes for President, Inc.

    See press release: ‘We Need Alan Keyes for President’ website launched

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