Saturday, July 7, 2007

Two Americas...Congress and "We The People"

Two Americas: One Blind to Terror Threat

Two Americas: One Blind to Terror Threat

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 3:11 PM

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

I guess that because it was only in the planning stages that the threats don’t exist. The New York Slimes. Such patriots.

The FBI announced Saturday three Muslim men have been arrested for plotting to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

The New York Times ran a story about the plot in Sunday’s paper. On page 30. The front page was reserved for a sympathetic story about Omar Ahmed Khadr, a suspected al Qaida terrorist being held at Guantanamo Bay.

We learned early in that story that Mr. Khadr was only 15 when he was arrested in Afghanistan in 2002; that he is “nearly blind in one eye” from the firefight in which he killed one American soldier and maimed another, and that he “doesn’t trust Americans.” Only much deeper in the story does reporter William Glaberson mention that young Mr. Khadr’s father was a senior deputy to Osama bin Laden.

Had the JFK plot succeeded, thousands of Americans could have been killed, and the economic damage would have been enormous. Reporters Cara Buckley and William Rashbaum don’t get around to mentioning this until the 28th paragraph in their story. But in the 5th paragraph, they tell us JFK “was never in imminent danger because the attack was only in a preliminary phase.”

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