Sunday, July 1, 2007

America...What Is She Worth?

Is America Worth It?
Is America Worth It?
Friday, March 09, 2007 3:24 PM

As more often than not, Americans have a complex I have diagnosed as IRS, the Instantaneous Result Syndrome. It seems coincidental that the acronym is the same as the Internal Revenue Service but this American doesn’t believe in coincidences.

Was America worth the American Revolutionary War? Was America Worth the War of 1812?Was America worth the Civil War? Was America worth the Mexican-American War? Was America worth the Spanish-American War? Was America worth WWI? Was America worth WWII? Was America worth the Cold War? Was America worth the Korean War? Was America worth the Vietnam War? Was America worth Grenada? What was America doing in Somalia? Was it worth it? What was America doing in Kosovo? Was it worth it? Was America worth fighting for since 1776 and earlier? Was America worth fighting for in 1776 and beyond?

To all of the questions above one would need to address; if so, why so or, if not, why not?

Where would America be today if, when the going got tough in say 1778, the leadership waved the White Flag? Would we have what we have today? If not, would England be the smallest Province of the Russian Empire today? Or, if so, why then is it not worth fighting for today?

Ask yourselves these questions and others for each and every “conflict” America has been involved in and with, either directly or indirectly. In the end, ask yourselves if America was worth it.

In each and every “conflict”, what one must wonder is this; what are/were the motives of American involvement? Was it a Noble Cause? Was it justified? Volumes and tomes have been written about each and every conflict, people, places and things in which America was “involved”. Everyone should have an opinion to one degree or another and the same questions apply.

In each and every situation, where would America be if our leadership raised the White Flag? Some have. The resulting calamities are historically evident. The most recent calamities are the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Since WWI and WWII, America has been seen as the Paper Tiger. America got a “shot in the arm” over Grenada and then again as we stood by England over the Falkland Islands.

To this American, America is worth fighting for; Period. End of story. Some Americans don’t think so and I have to question their loyalties, patriotism and most of all, their motives.
This has been a shortened version of the book still in work and the editors are feverishly and constantly in flux, as it were…God Bless America.

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