Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lessons I Have Learned

Lessons Learned…
Lessons Learned…
Friday, March 09, 2007 2:03 AM

…not all but, some in recent years…

I have learned that the blog site has been neglected and unmoderated for so long that the GOP has let it gone to seed. At one time, it was a worthwhile venue in which to exchange ideas and philosophies. At one time, I held the #1 blog spot. As time went on, the moonbats and ignorant Leftinistra became more frequent which, wasn’t all that bad, really. At least we could still have debate and intelligent discourse. Not now.

We DID have what we called a Blog Nanny, of sorts and from time to time, the BN could be reached by email and within hours and sometimes days, the moonbats were extricated and their useless posts were deleted. Not any more.

The blog site is now the breeding ground for the singularly most vile of the vile Haters of GWB and Haters of the United States of America. If one has any doubts, pay the place a visit right here. The Daily Kos and the Huffington Post are congenial, polite, sophisticated and reasonable in comparison to what the alleged and theoretical Cadillac of GOP blogosphere is/was purported to be.

I say theoretical because I have learned that this blog site is not really a GOP web site. It can’t be. I mentioned that I once held the #1 spot, over 7,000 posts. The moonbats got to be so bad, I emailed every swinging d*** and every single person without a d*** at GOP HQ and stated that we did not appreciate a bunch of sore losers within the GOP to let the blog go to hell. I also asked them if they really were GOP or if they really were RINOs, republicans in drag. Well, my answer was that my #1 spot was stripped away and I could no longer post as my handle I was using at the time but, the posts remained. I got my answer. This leads me to believe that the GOP has been infiltrated by the Leftinistra in their vaunted and useless blog.

This got me to thinking that the blog site was indeed a front for the DNC and I am still convinced of that.

Also, what I have learned in the world of The Blog, is that the moonbats are like they are at the “old place” EVERYWHERE!! It is truly a pathetic happenstance. Some visit me here and are quickly removed.

I have also learned that the “old place” had paid DNC bloggers. Their jobs were to practice repeating the SAME lies over and over and to see how rude and pretty much psychopathic they could get just shy of needing professional care. I still visit the place posting under a different handle and managed to get up on the blog board again. I used those posts to see how ugly I could get seeing that there was no moderator and I already knew how to circumvent the Blog Nanny.

I learned that when I threw the same vile ugliness back at them, they would go completely insane and start whining that I was being unChristian and mean spirited. I asked them why I should not be that way and they would become even more shrill because I would not stop being mean.

I have also learned that they cannot handle it when we conservatives fight back.

I have also learned that they have for YEARS come to expect that we conservatives will put up a little fight but will back down in order to calm things down. I have learned that we cannot be that way any longer.

In order to survive, we MUST become even more vile than they are because when we are, they cannot think straight, they go off into la-la-land, make no sense whatsoever and cannot concentrate one iota. They are like the terrorists…there is NO negotiating with them…many have tried and ALL have failed.

For the last few months, I have changed tactics and directions in mid-debate just to see the reactions. They CAN be defeated and they CAN be distracted. They know it and HATE it when they realize what happened to them. It was quite funny, actually.

I have learned that the Leftinistra know a lot of things but as my Hero of ALL time, Ronald Wilson Reagan once said, “its not that liberals are ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” If there is ANY doubt, visit the theoretical GOP blog site. It is an eye opener, to say the least.

I have also learned that the Leftinistra politicos condone their activities and actually utilize the “talents of hatred” via the blogosphere to further their cause(s).

I have also recently learned that someone else thinks as I do in that the Leftinistra bloggers are people “pretending that they are someone they aren’t, writing on a topic that they know nothing about.”

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