Friday, July 20, 2007

And The Left Whines

In a previous post, I brought to you, via Spree's, how Hillary was Pentagon Slapped. Now, she is all atwitter and has her dander up. She is even teaming up with the traitor and liar and fraud John Kerry. Now THAT is something to write home to mama about, eh?

The Atlantic Online blogger Marc Ambinder has posted a letter from the Rodham here. I disagree with his assertion that Hillary will hit a four-bagger with her retort to Eric Edelman.

The letter reveals how the Leftinistra have made a mockery of everything Americana and have shat upon our troops on a daily basis, all in the name of their sham of supporting the troops. They no more support the troops than I respect any member of the Leftinistra Caucus, be they Democrat, Republican, Independent, man, woman or morphrodite.

Hillary married a known draft dodger and an individual that loathed the military. As far as this DAV is concerned, Hillary has ZERO credibility.

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