Friday, July 20, 2007

The Fools Were Fooled

No surprises there. Really. However, when one is a fool, it believes and falls for anything that tweaks the emotions.

The Leftinistra have been stating as fact their wishful thinking of AQI as being a home-grown "insurgent group(s)" that don't want the US in Iraq, muddying things up and getting in the way of the Caliphate. Oh. Wait. My bad. They deny the Caliphate issue. OK. The Leftinistra (trying again here) believe(d) and may still believe that AQI is really Iraqi citizens that like to blow things up, including people. Wait. That isn't right.

What the hell DO they believe?

Anyway, they thought AQI was local folk.

To a degree they are. However, most of them are foreign citizens of some other country. Most of America knew this already but the Lame Stream Media in cahoots with the Leftinistra to enslave us all under their socialistic desires tried to feed the world a bowl of rotten cabbage.

In recent days, it has been shown that:

Still a Fool
Here's a fascinating story from today's New York Times:

For more than a year, the leader of one the most notorious insurgent groups in Iraq was said to be a mysterious Iraqi called Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.

As the titular head of the Islamic State in Iraq, Mr. Baghdadi issued incendiary pronouncements. Despite claims by an Iraqi Interior Ministry official in May that Mr. Baghdadi had been killed, he appeared to have persevered unscathed.

On Wednesday, the chief United States military spokesman here, Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner, provided a new explanation for Mr. Baghdadi's ability to escape attack: he never existed.

General Bergner told reporters that a senior Iraqi insurgent captured this month said that the elusive Mr. Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose declarations on audiotape were read by a man named Abu Abdullah al-Naima.

General Bergner said the ruse was devised by Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born leader of the insurgent group Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Although the group is mostly Iraqi, much of its leadership is foreign, and Mr. Masri was reportedly trying to mask the outsiders' dominant role.

So the enemy has engaged in a propaganda effort designed to fool people into thinking that the Iraqi branch of al Qaeda is a domestic outfit. Among those fooled, as we noted last week, were the editors of the New York Times, who, according to public editor Clark Hoyt, "circulated a memo with guidelines on how to distinguish Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia from bin Laden's Al Qaeda." And the Times continues to follow those guidelines even in a story that shows how it serves enemy propaganda! [and Hillary helps out with that]

By the way, remember Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, the highest-ranking Iraqi member of al Qaeda in Iraq, who turned out not to be very high-ranking at all? We wondered yesterday if the Times would get around to reporting his capture. The answer is yes--in the ninth paragraph of the story on the fictitious Baghdadi.

It turns out Mashhadani was the one who told the Americans that Baghdadi was fictional. The Times notes the amusing detail that Mashhadani worked as al Qaeda's "Media Emir, or publicity director." Maybe he quit because the Times was making his job too easy.

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