Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Cretins Among Us

Cretin: a stupid, vulgar or insensitive person; clod; lout

In previous posts Fraud Zeros, Fraud Veterans, Jihadi Trolls and Bloggers, Wannabes, Anti-Military Blog at Daily Kos, Peacenik Shoots An Airman, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the double standards of the peacenik, reminiscent of the Vietnam Era...I remember it well.

There are many more such examples, two of which can be found here, Moonbat art in Portland update, and here, “KILLITARY” and the Daily Kos Update: Who is “liquidman?” Update: Kos is “alarmed”.

What is the driving force which makes the peacenik, in the name of peace, to commit violent acts against military members? Is it a sickness? Is it a mental disorder? What is their justification?

Have the military members done something to these...cretins? And what makes a theoretical publication of self-professed integrity print such atrocious articles of atrocities that never took place?

I am in a quandary as to their "Why". What is the purpose and is it affective? Who are their cohorts and partners in these seditious acts?

Think about this the next time you hear "stories" from the moonbats.

UPDATE: Scott Thomas (TNR) can be found here...Michelle Malkin's place

Scoot on over to Wake Up America for more details Scott Thomas, John Kerry and the lies people tell

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