Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Stop L.O.S.T. and the UN!!

If ratified, the United States would yield sovereignty over all the world’s seas and oceans to a UN bureaucracy. Americans could be ordered by the UN to stop fishing or digging for clams on either coast. The LOST created the International Seabed Authority (ISA) with full jurisdiction over more than 70% of the world: the oceans and everything in them.

This includes the ocean floors and all the wealth they contain: “solid, liquid, or gaseous mineral resources” and the power to regulate them. The ISA, headquartered in Jamaica, has an assembly, a council and numerous commissions in a typically bloated bureaucracy, all paid tax-free salaries. If ratified, the United States would have one in 154 votes, and with envy and hatred of our country so widespread, this nation would lose every appeal of every decision.

These bureaucrats would have the power to levy international taxes, something Bilderberg has wanted for many years. Bilderberg prefers, as members have said many times at their meetings over many years, a UN tax on oil at the wellhead. Starting at perhaps 10 cents a barrel, Americans would be unaware they are paying a direct tax to the UN when buying gas. But, like the income tax, it would grow to usurious levels. But the principle is important to Bilderberg: a direct tax on people of the world would be a major step toward global government. Such a tax has been pending before the UN for years but unreported in the mainstream media.

The LOST taxes would be disguised as assessments, fees, permits or payments. But they will cost you money.

But the good news is, Bilderberg is upset that, as public knowledge and indignation rises, the plan for global government is years behind schedule. In the 1990s, Bilderberg was confident that, by 2000, the merging of Europe into a single superstate would be completed and the “American Union” would be well on the way to completion. But two nations failed to ratify the EU constitution, keeping it from taking effect. And outraged Americans have prevented NAFTA from evolving into the “American Union.”

The Law Of The Sea Treaty must not pass !

We will lose much more than what I have included in the above summary...

It's the beginning of the end of America...

Every American should read the bill and see for themselves...

Which will it be?

Wake Up America

Keep Red White And Blue

PS: Lets keep the $

No Amero$ allowed !!!

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