Sunday, July 1, 2007

Democracy Addendum

This writing is an adjunct to a post I made which can be found in the featured post section under “Democracy…What Is It”.

I have read on the blogs at Townhall and elsewhere, where several terminologies are either being exagerated, abused and misrepresented.

I have been hearing we are a “Democratic Republic”. I have been hearing that we are a “Democracy”. I have been hearing that we are a “Republic”. It all started when an author posted the “Atheist Democracy” article. That was a good article, btw.

However, my article “Democracy…What Is It” was more or less a recap of 200+ years of history of this nation. It is a shortened version of the book I am writing and hopefully, one day, in my lifetime, I will finish the bloody thing.

With that being said, I will post here a tid-bit of data that will explain in not so much boring detail, the gist of what a Federal Republic is, in laymen’s terms.

The United States was founded as a Federal Republic. This means that is was to be a representative form of government. Many people do not know what this entails.

There are three forms of “representation”.

First, there is the Trustee form. This is where the elected official, theoretically, listens to the constituents and is trusted to use their best judgements to make decisions. (not a good plan)

Second, there is the Delegate representative who votes the way their constituents would want them to vote, whether or not the representative agrees with the majority of the constituents. (majority rule)

Third, there is the Politico representative which, flip-flops between the Delegate and Trustee forms of representation, depending on the issue(s). (not a good plan)

It is the Delegate form that is what the Framers had intended and it worked that way up until FDR. From FDR and on, our representation went to hell and hasn’t recovered yet. This form is what creates accountability in politics and we have not had much of that in decades, have we? Are we currently being represented by Delegates? In my estimation, most certainly not.

The Trustee form is what lazy and uninterested sheeple choose to live under and their “rights” can be stripped away because the Elected One “hears” them but tends to “ignore” them. Tyranny is the result.

The Politico form is a mish-mash form of socialized “keep-them-in-the-dark and feed them fish eyes” representation. There is ZERO accountability.

The Federal Republic was making a come-back during the Reagan and Bush years but was reverted back to the socialistic ways of FDR when Clinton gained control of the American Helm.
This MUST be reversed before it is too late. Should a Leftinistra gain the Throne of American politics, we will be very close to another American Civil War. Our country has not been this split since 1861.

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