Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hillary and Her Socialist Cause(s)

Hillary and Alinsky?
Hillary and Alinsky?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 2:35 AM

The Communist/Socialist Hillary, and her wannabe First Man, are being OUTED!!!

This is TOO RICH(?)!!

“Hillary Clinton may have a little-known Achilles’ heel as she runs for president in 2008 — a thesis she wrote as a 21-year-old senior at Wellesley College in 1969.

The research paper examined the work of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky, whom she called “a man of exceptional charm…”

Saul Alinsky is the ZERO Hero of Hitlery…imagine that!

“…One indication of the Clintons’ sensitivity about the thesis is that they had it locked away from public view for the eight years of Bill Clinton’s presidency…”

Imagine that. It wasn’t kept all that quiet. It was just the Lame Stream Media was on their side at the time. Now that the Lame Stream Medias’ ratings and circulations are tanking, they have realized that they need to at least print SOME truth!

“…The Clintons asked Wellesley in 1993 to hide Hillary’s senior thesis, and Wellesley’s president approved a rule that made any senior thesis of a graduate available in the women-only college’s archives for anyone to read — except for those written by either a president or first lady, MSNBC reporter Bill Dedman disclosed…”

“…”What someone did or said 35 years ago is certainly fair game, especially if you’re running for president of the United States,” he said, adding that he plans to read the thesis “very soon…”

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