Sunday, July 8, 2007


Some Things…

I don’t get it. As we all know and have witnessed for ourselves, the Lame Stream Media in recent times has transmitted secret military data which has enabled and emboldened our enemies around the globe. They have not been prosecuted. Why not?

Yet, these folks are being prosecuted.

A group plotting to overthrow the communist government of Laos had a detailed 90-day plan to oust and possibly assassinate top leaders, according to a new court document.

And why are they being prosecuted?

The 11 men indicted are charged with conspiracy to violate the Neutrality Act, which bars Americans from taking military action against nations with which the United States is at peace. They were also accused of conspiracy to kill, kidnap and maim. All face life in prison if convicted.

Why isn’t the NY Slimes and the rest not being prosecuted in a CURRENT war-time environment?

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