Sunday, July 8, 2007

Straw Men Burning

U.N. Supports U.S Troops Staying In Iraq

UHOH! Now what will the Leftinistra do? Their vaunted United Nations that they claim must grant the US permission to protect itself has said:

The U.N. Security Council agreed Wednesday to an Iraqi request to extend the mandate of the U.S.-led multinational force after the country’s foreign minister said the troops were “vitally necessary.”

The council also strongly condemned the bombing of Samarra’s revered Shiite shrine and urged all countries, especially those in the region, to support Iraq in its pursuit of peace.

OH! MY! Lions, Tigers and Bears! OH MY!

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told the council members that despite the senseless violence “the government has made tremendous strides toward the day when security will be provided by a self-sufficient, Iraqi national security force.”

“While Iraqis will always be grateful for their liberation from an absolute despot, no Iraqi government official — indeed, no Iraqi citizen — wants the presence of foreign troops on Iraqi soil one day longer than is vitally necessary,” he said.

And this is what we have been saying for how long now? Hello?

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