Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ethics Escape Clintons

Clintons v Ethics?
Clintons v Ethics?
Sunday, March 04, 2007 4:17 PM

This a ring that is all too familiar with the Clintonistra Band of Thugs, yes?

I wonder what the real body count is of those directly involved with the Clintonistras in their, well, ponderous escapades…

Now, there is this…AGAIN…

Good job Billy Bob!! “Stuff” coming back to haunt”

“…An obscure court case threatens to bring Bill Clinton’s presidential pardons controversy back into the public eye just as Hillary Clinton heats up her campaign for the White House.

Bill Clinton issued 140 presidential pardons in his final days in office, and drew howls of protest when it came to light that Hillary’s two brothers had received money from several of the people pardoned.

Clinton pardoned Almon Glenn Braswell of his mail fraud and perjury convictions, and commuted the sentence of cocaine trafficker Carlos Vignali. Hillary’s brother Hugh Rodham received nearly $400,000 for lobbying for the two men, although he later returned the money.
Hillary’s other brother Tony Rodham received a $107,000 “loan” from Vonna Jo Gregory, owner of the carnival company United Shows International, and her husband Edgar, who were pardoned for a bank fraud conviction.

Edgar has since died, and the carnival company is bankrupt. Now the bankruptcy trustee has filed suit against Tony Rodham, seeking the return of the $107,000.

Before he received that money, Rodham had been paid $224,769 by the couple over 2 1/2 years to serve as a business consultant, the Boston Globe reports.

At issue is whether the $107,000 was part of his salary or, as the trustee maintains, a loan that with interest would now be $153,000…”

“…As NewsMax reported last week, Geffen – who had been close to the Clintons, turned his back on them after the Rich pardon. He was angry that Clinton had rebuffed Geffen’s request for a pardon for Leonard Peltier, an American Indian activist Geffen believes was falsely convicted of two 1975 murders…”

Imagine that…???

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