Sunday, July 1, 2007


Lame Stream Media
Lame Stream Media
Sunday, March 04, 2007 2:47 PM


I see that the anti-military genre of the Lame Stream Press, aka LSD Press is at it again! Review the details at the totally reliable source at ABC…LOL!!! Reliable? Not hardly. Well, perhaps reliable in that they can be counted on to bash anything that has to do with Freedom, unless of course, it is Freedom To Be An Idiot. They are ALL for that, n’est pas?

OH! MY! It Is A War Zone…Silly Children!!

Let us look at the “situation”, shall we? Our Military was in a running fire fight after having being ambushed by…CIVILIANS!!! In case some have no idea what that is, a fire fight is the exchange of lethal weaponry with lead and steel traveling at an accelerated speed, usually measured in fps (feet per SECOND), hurtling in various directions and designed to destroy and kill. A running fire fight adds to the mix, a confusion factor like looking after the next guy, identifying targets approaching you and seeking cover and preferably concealment.

What in the HELL were “innocent” civilians doing approaching men in battle?

Shouldn’t the focus be on our troops in ambush containment and battle? Shouldn’t it be focused in the area of why did the terrorists choose this particular location? Shouldn’t it be focused within the realms of reality that the terrorists have used this tactic over and over again, KNOWING that the American Lame Stream Media, aka LSD Press, will naturally fault America?

It is time to March on DC and constitutionally change our government, as stipulated in the Constitution, and punish the subversives in our midst.

The licenses of ABC should be rescinded, revoked and burned to ashes. The owners and henchmen should be rounded up, tried for treasonous acts, aiding and abetting the enemy and subversion and, when convicted, summarily hung in the Public Square.

Read the entire article. If it doesn’t make your blood boil, you are either a Leftinistra or a brain-dead dolt.

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