Saturday, July 7, 2007

Fred On Issues...Video and Transcript

Fred Thompson On Issues

Here is the video link

Here is the transcript link

“When I was in the Senate a lot of people would come to see me and it usually would have to do with business matters or financial matters or something pertaining to their financial welfare. When you came to see me, I always knew it was about something much more important than that, the most important thing of all in this World and that is life and I must say that those issues are even more profound to me as the years go by. Jeri and I have truly been blessed. Let’s talk about some of those issues for a moment. In 1994, I made my first run for the U.S. Senate. I was proud to receive the National Right to Life endorsement. I’ve been with you ever since. You’ve been with me ever since. On abortion related votes I’ve been 100 percent. We’ve had a lot of different kind of issues come up in the Senate from federal funding to stem cell research, Roe versus Wade and the partial birth abortion debate or as former Senator Pat Moynihan of New York used to say it’s more like infanticide than partial birth abortion.You know one of the proudest moments I’ve had as a private citizen was when the President asked me to help Judge John Roberts through the senate confirmation process to become a member of the Supreme Court. Well, now he is Chief Justice John Roberts, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed, but I think he’s going to go down as the best Chief Justice that this country has ever had.

On stem cell research, I’m for adult stem cell research not stem cell research where embryos of unborn children are destroyed. It looks to me like there is a lot of promising developments as far as adult stem cell research is concerned anyway and we don’t need to go down that other road.

Of course I am also concerned about these children after they’re born. I’m concerned about the cultural environment that they’re going to grow up in. I’m concerned about the fact that we’re bankrupting our entitlement program that’s going to saddle them with unbelievably high taxes when they’re going to try to start their families and buy that first home. I’m concerned most of all about their safety. We have an enemy in this World that would like nothing more than to kill thousands more innocent Americans; men, women, and children. I know you share those concerns, and I look forward to working together with you on them. Thank you so much for letting me be with you here for a few minutes today.”

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