Saturday, July 7, 2007

Religion of Pieces

Islam…Peaceful? Not Hardly

Bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists celebrated their conquest of the Gaza Strip by executing Palestinian rivals, drawing up a death list and declaring a new era of “Islamic rule.”

Several men loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas were shot point-blank in the streets, in front of their wives and children, after their hideout in the Palestinian security headquarters in Gaza City was stormed, witnesses said.

Seems like panties on the heads would be more peaceful. Yes?

Another good article here:

This could be a good thing.

With Hamas in control of Gaza and the official breakup of the Hamas-Fatah unity government, it’s no longer possible to pretend that Israel has a reasonable partner with which to negotiate.

That was never anything but a fiction, of course, but now that Hamas has promised to set up an Islamist rump-state (doubtless with the aid of its Iranian masters), it’s clear that war-war has won out over jaw-jaw.

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