Saturday, July 7, 2007

Islamists Are NOT Our "Friends"

Islamists Are The Enemy

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sunday’s Speech

Posted by Hugh Hewitt | 6:00 PM

In my appearances at Sunday’s conference on “The Collapse of Europe,” I cited a number of articles and books, including:

TimeOutLondon’s latest issue: “Is London’s Future Islamic?”

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I also cited an article and two speeches on the future of Europe by Pope Benedict XVI:

A January 2006 article in First Things, “Europe and Its Discontents”

the speech at Regenburg, and

a speech to bishops on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

I also recommended “American Exceptionalism” by James Q Wilson in the October 2, 2006 issue of The American Spectator, “Soft Europe,” by Leon de Winter from the March 7, 2006 OpinionJournal, and the websites of Daniel Pipes and Claire Berlinski.

I recommended two books, The Looming Tower and America Alone, as well as articles like Lawrence Wright’s “The Master Plan,”.

The 1990 United States Supreme Court decision I cited is Employment Division v. Smith.

Finally, the site on Islam v. Islamists, the film being censored by PBS, is

The organizations I recommended funding are The Alliance Defense Fund, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and the Center for Security Policy.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Terrorist Jurisprudence

Posted by Hugh Hewitt | 8:47 PM

Here’s the close of the dissent in today’s Fourth Circuit opinion:

Furthermore, setting aside the amorphous distinction between an “enemy combatant” and an “enemy belligerent,” there is little doubt from the evidence that al-Marri was present in the United States to aidand further the hostile and subversive activities of the organization responsible for the terrorist attacks that occurred onSeptember 11, 2001.

I therefore vote to affirm the district court. (Emphasis added.)

The majority opinion –it is along one– is a gift card to al Qaeda operatives in the United States, guaranteeing them trial or release like any other criminal. Expect en banc and SCOTUS review.

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