Saturday, July 7, 2007


The IDIOTS In DC Are At IT Again!

The IDIOTS In DC Are At IT Again!

Monday, June 11, 2007 2:32 PM

When will these IDIOTS figure out that the MAJORITY of Americans do NOT want this non-amnesty amnesty for ILLEGAL immigrants passed into law?

Administration “More Determined Than Ever” To Pass Amnesty

Bush: “See You At The Bill Signing”

Bush and the Amnesty Senators are now preparing to bring the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty bill back for a vote immediately.

Yesterday, Commerce Secretary Gutierrez said the administration is “more determined than ever” to pass amnesty and Tony Snow added that the Senate “could wrap this up in two days.” Now, Bush has scheduled a meeting with Senate Republicans on Tuesday to plan strategy and Majority Leader Reid is saying he is ready to move the bill to a vote.

To add insult to injury, Bush then said of the bill: “I believe we can get it done,” Bush said of the immigration bill that has run into deep trouble on Capitol Hill. “I’ll see you at the bill signing.”

This is outrageous. Just last week, the American people soundly rejected Bush-Kennedy Amnesty. The New York Times even featured and three of our team members in a Page One lead story yesterday entitled “Grass Roots Roared”. Now, they are bringing amnesty back!

Two crucial action items:

Action Item #1– Call Your Senators and the White House
and tell them to “Back Off”!

Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121
White House: 202-456-1414

Talking Points:
1. I am outraged that the President and the Senate are again planning on pushing this amnesty bill.
2. I am offended that these leaders are ignoring the clear voice of grassroots Americans.
3. I call on you to announce publicly your opposition to the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill and call on the Senate to abandon plans for further debate.

Action #2 — Fax the President and Senate NOW!

I know you have done so much already, but we cannot stop now. We have added key Bush Administration targets to our Fax Hot List, in addition to key Senators who must be reached today with a flood of faxes.

Go here to send your faxes.

Our staff and contacts on the Hill sensed all along that the Amnesty Gang would bring this bill back. Now, they have made their intentions perfectly clear.

The New York Times said that the “Grass Roots Roared” in opposition to Bush-Kennedy Amnesty. Well, now we must roar even louder!

Steve Elliott


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