Saturday, July 7, 2007

Jihadist Bloggers

Jihadists Are Posing As American Bloggers

I and others, being on top of issues and what-not, blogging away, making a difference in The New media, have brought this to your attention upon many occasions. Jihadists are posing as “disgruntled Americans” and making lame and unsubstantiated claims. Most can be identified by their extreme BDS and Hate America rhetoric. You can find the previous posts here and here. Also, they may be found here and here.

Exposing them further has been accomplished by this video:

The breaking story…sort of…is here

Islamic terrorists are engaged in a “media jihad” in which they encourage jihadists to pose online as Americans to foster anti-war sentiment in the U.S.According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a posting on the Al-Mohajroon Islamist website with the username Al-Wathig Billah provides instructions on how to infiltrate popular American Internet forums and use them to distribute jihad films and spread anti-war sentiments.

UPDATE: Additional data may be found here; some of the data is a repeat of previously supplied data from MANY sites other than mine and Spree’s. The emphasis here is the Jihadis are VERY active in our blogs and forums. I participate at Jihad Chat and the Jihadis are there as well. A Spree states so very well;


It is not a game, and by responding firmly to the stupidity in the comment sections of your blogs, (trolls if you will) you are assuring that some new reader that doesn’t know of the terrorists tactics are not sucked into their lies.

We do have a role in this war and while our soldiers are fighting abroad for us, we must do what we can, however limited our power is, and we must fight the media war here at home.

Please read my bio…the battle begins at home. WAKE UP!

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