Saturday, July 7, 2007

Bugs In DC!!

New Bugs

This was posted at a friends blog and is yet ANOTHER Classic!

New Bugs

Thursday, June 07, 2007 11:55 PM

The EnviroServatives are all in a tizzy now. A new frog is found, Its purple and it is really pretty. ut the real find in the Reuters Story (in my opinion) are the four new species of Dung Beetle. My thought is that we need more of them in Washington.

The job of a Dung Beetle being to bury …. well .. dung. They should prove very useful in that area of the Country. IT sems to have a high incidence of the piling up of the Home of Choice for the Dung Beetle.

There is a likely problem which might be encountered though. The four new Dung Beetles would probably try to mate with some of the local species of Dung Beetles, like the Nervosa Nancius Pelosia Stringbeanus or the Hairy Warted DoubleSpeakus Riedosian FlyWeight.

The worst possible combination though, might be if the new Beetles tried to ‘join’ with the Rino Beaked SlapHappus Bushista Turncoatus. A truly virulent form of Dung Beetle known to inhabit the area and often seen trying desperately to create havoc among the population while trying to live symbioticly with the Kennedosis Alchoholis in it’s attempts to transfer a legal status on every known form of criminal habitating in the country.

On second thought perhaps just a really large can of Raid is what we need.

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