Saturday, July 7, 2007

Loser Reid

Poor Reid…Loser

Surveys of 800 Likely Voters
June 4-5, 2007 and June 6-7, 2007

This Week’s Favorability Ratings
Name Fav Unfav Net
John Edwards 52% 38% +14
Fred Thompson 45% 31% +14
Barack Obama 50% 44% +6
Robert Gates 36% 34% +2
Dick Cheney 38% 58% -20
John Boehner 14% 36% -22
Harry Reid 19% 45% -26
Scooter Libby 19% 58% -39

Harry Reid falls to 19% approval rating…imagine that. So much for that moron saying he knows what the American People want. What a loser!

Dennis Miller SLAMS Reid…fantastic oratory…

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